EDA Labs and Tutorials


Version updated for Spring 2024

Labs General Instructions

The tutorials and labs are based on the Synopsys suite of tools that run on machines with the Linux operating system.

In the course, we use two servers eda1.compute.dtu.dk and eda2.compute.dtu.dk to which you can remotely connect with your laptop/PC.

If you are not familiar with Linux/UNIX, you can check out this handout of the most useful UNIX commands.

1. Access to eda1/eda2 Servers

The two servers used to run the EDA tools are: eda1 and eda2. The servers are identical and to balance the load on these, let's adopt the rule:

1.1 Remote Access by Thinlinc

Access by Thinlinc is considered the default access mode to the servers.

1.2 Remote Access by X2Go - May Not Work in some OSs

If you are "fluent" with Linux, you can try to connect to the eda servers by X2Go.

X2Go provides clients for the main operating systems, but sometimes the remote connection does not work properly. Try at your own risk.


2. Getting Started with EDA Tutorials and Labs

Now that you have gained access to one of the eda servers, you can set up the working space for labs and tutorials.

If you are new to Linux, we suggest you exercise some of the main Unix/Linux commands in a terminal window. Below are some examples of the basic commands:

A list of the most useful UNIX commands can be downloaded here.


2.1 Choosing the "shell"

A shell is a interpreter for commands given in a terminal line. Linux provides several types of shells.

By default, the accounts are created in the bash shell. However, the tutorials are developed for the tcsh shell.

Commands for the tcsh shell are given in light yellow background in the tutorials

 eda2> ls  

Commands for the bash shell are given in orange background in the tutorials

 bash-4.2$ ls  

If you use a different shell, such as bash, you can switch to the tcsh shell by giving the command

 bash-4.2$ tcsh

Otherwise, you can modify the script files to adapt them to your shell (for advanced Linux users).


2.2 Tutorial Unit

The tutorial is based on a floating-point (FP) multiplier described in Tutorial T1.

You are strongly advised to read Tutorial T1 before starting the tutorials.


2.3 Tutorials/Labs File-system Organization

When you login on one of the eda servers, the starting location is your HOME. To determine the location of your HOME in the file-system you can type
 eda2>  echo $HOME

If you get lost in the file-system, you can easily go back to your home by:

 eda2>  cd

To verify your position in the file-system type: pwd (it stands for print work directory).

 eda2>  pwd

We created a special area of the file-system for 02205 group work where both group members can create/modify files and directories in /dtu-compute/02205/

For example, the space for group 00 is /dtu-compute/02205/2024g-00 and the command to go to this directory is

 eda2>  cd /dtu-compute/02205/2024g-00
 eda2>  pwd

If you want to run the tutorials in the shared group space, you can copy the necessary files by the command

 eda2>  cp -r /apps/misc/02205/tutorial .
 eda2>  ls
 ... tutorial ...

You should use this space for group work and create directories for the tutorial and the labs. For example, your group space should have the 4 directories: tutorial, lab1, lab2 and lab3 at the end of course.


2.4 Synopsys' Environment Set-up

Synopsys' tools require to set-up some environment variables and the proper license to work.

In each tutorial, the scripts to set-up the specific tool are given.

The table below lists the tools used in the tutorials. The set-up scripts are in directory /apps/misc/02205/scripts.

Task Tool Version Tutorial(s) Set-up (tcsh) Set-up (bash)
Simulation VCS S-2021.09-SP1-1 2, 4, 5, 6 setup_synopsys_vcs.csh setup_synopsys_vcs.sh
Synthesis Design Compiler/Vision G-2012.06 3, 4, 5  setup_synopsys_dv.csh setup_synopsys_dv.sh
Place & Route IC Compiler R-2020.09-SP5-5 5, 6  setup_icc.csh setup_icc.sh
Spice sim. HSPICE L-2016.03 6 setup_spice.csh  


2.5 Tutorial Entry Point

The entry point for the tutorial is

The tutorial website is behind the DTU firewall and you must have a VPN active to access the site.


Modified by Alberto Nannarelli on Sunday February 18, 2024 at 18:47