Erasmus Mundus Master's programme in Security and Cloud Computing (SECCLO)

Digitalization is taking over most aspects of business and life. While computation relies on distributed data processing and storage, pervasive digitalization goes much further, raising questions regarding security and privacy of data and reliability of computations on this data.

Starting September 2018, six European universities offer an Erasmus Mundus joint double degree Master's programme in Security and Cloud Computing (SECCLO), giving you a broad understanding of technologies for mobile and cloud computing, and providing you with the skills to design, build, and evaluate secure computing systems (as a computer science professional):

During your two years of study, you will study the first year at Aalto University, then specialize at one of the 5 partner universities. Upon graduation, the student will be awarded a double degree diploma, i.e. a diploma from each university, at which you study.

Specialization in Reliable Distributed Systems at DTU

At DTU, you will learn to design and analyze secure and reliable computer systems including embedded, cloud and software-intensive systems and services. Students work on protecting computer systems with vital functions, from controlling critical infrastructure to providing public services over the web, against threats from vandals, criminals, industrial espionage and cyber-terrorism. You will learn to design embedded and distributed cloud-based systems, and to provide essential and secure functionality under a range of competing constraints: low computational resources, high availability, reliable communication, and adequate security.

The DTU specialization also covers proactive methods and techniques for engineering the safe and secure software-intensive services typically found in cloud-based systems. The courses provide the formal underpinnings for developing these kind of systems, together with elective courses that allow the students to explore the wider context:

The DTU specialization consists of the following elements:
  •   Mandatory courses: at least two courses
  •   Electives for the remaining credit up to 30 ects
  •   A Master's Thesis corresponding to 30 ects
Mandatory courses
  7½ ects     02223 Model-Based Systems Engineering (cancelled Autumn 2023)
5 ects 02234 Current Topics in System Security
7½ ects 02242 Program Analysis
7½ ects 02245 Program Verification
  5 ects     02232 Applied Cryptography
7½ ects 02239 Data Security
7½ ects 02246 Model Checking
5 ects 02255 Modern Cryptology (Spring)
5 ects 02393 Programming in C++
5 ects 02267 Software Development of Web Services (January)
5 ects 02191 Computer Forensics (January)
Master's Thesis
Version 2.1, Published on 7 December 2023, for students admitted Autumn 2021 or later

As a SECCLO graduate of the specialization in Reliable Distributed Systems at DTU, you will be able to design and develop the next generations of products and services for the ICT industry as well as financial companies within the fields of information security and systems.
Typical job titles include: security engineer/specialist, security architect, software engineer/specialist, research engineer.
DTU awards the degree MSc in Engineering, Security and Mobile Computing for graduates of the specialization in Reliable Distributed Systems.

Further information

SECCLO is a selected Masters Course by the European Commission Erasmus + programme for European university education at Master’s level. Through the Erasmus Mundus programme, a limited number of EU-funded scholarships are available.

Please refer to the SECCLO programme homepage for further information on the programme including application procedure, study structure, scholarship program as well as an online application form.

Author: Flemming Stassen, last update on 7 December 2023