COST Training School on Algebraic Reconstruction Methods
in Tomography
COST Training School on Algebraic Reconstruction Methods in Tomography
April 4–6, 2016, Technical University of Denmark.
This training school is part of the EXTREMA COST
Action MP1207.
It takes place over 3 days at DTU, the
Technical University of Denmark, located north of Copenhagen.
Course Description
Algebraic reconstruction
methods for computed tomography (CT), such as ART (Kaczmarz's method)
and SIRT, provide an interesting alternative
to “analytical” methods, such as
filtered back
projection. They allow more flexibility in the forward model
as well as easy incorporation of constraints on the reconstruction – at the
expense of longer computing times.
This training school is aimed at participants who are interested in the
formulation, implementation, and use of algebraic
iterative reconstruction methods.
We give a rigorous mathematical description of the reconstruction methods,
the associated algebraic models,
and the underlying linear algebra, followed by hands-on MATLAB®
computer exercises that illustrate these methods.
The goal is that the participants will get a basic understanding of
the formulation, implementation, and use of the algebraic methods,
and thus be able to use them for their own CT problems.
The participants are expected to be familiar with computed tomography
and filtered back projection, with MATLAB, and with
basic aspects of linear algebra, and they must bring their own laptop.
The training school is arranged back-to-back with the workshop
HD-Tomo Days
on modern tomographic imaging methods and numerical solution techniques
built on regularization, optimization, and PDE anaysis.
Monday, April 4 – Basic Concepts and Methods
(Per Christian Hansen,
DTU Compute)
- Discretization of the CT problem, leading to linear
systems of equations A x = b.
Pdf-file with slides.
- Linear algebra, solving linear equations, a bit of optimization,
and algebraic iterative reconstruction algorithms for CT problems.
Pdf-file with slides.
- MATLAB hands-on computer exercises using the software package
AIR Tools.
Pdf-file with exercises.
- Program
9:00 - 09:45 Discretization of the CT problem
9:45 - 10:00 Coffee & tea break
10:00 - 11:00 Algebraic methods, part I (slides 1-21)
11:00 - 12:00 Exercises, part I + coffee & tea
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 13:45 Algebraic methods, part II (slides 22-35)
13:45 - 14:45 Exercises, part II + coffee & tea
14:45 - 15:30 Algebraic Methods, Part III (slides 36-50)
15:30 - 16:30 Exercises, Part III + coffee & tea
Tuesday, April 5 – Large-Scale Aspects
(Willem Jan Palenstijn,
CWI Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
- Block algebraic methods for CT and their performance
Henrik B. Sørensen, DTU Compute).
- Computational methods for large-scale CT problems.
- The software package
and its algebraic reconstruction algorithms.
- MATLAB hands-on computer exercises using the ASTRA software.
- Program
9:00 - 10:00 Block algebraic methods -
10:00 - 10:30 Introduction to ASTRA -
Slides intro -
Slides usage -
Slides topics
10:30 - 12:00 Exercises + coffee & tea
Slides exercises
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 13:30 Anvanced use of ASTRA
13:30 - 15:15 Exercises + coffee & tea
15:15 - 16:00 ASTRA extra topics
16:00 - 17:00 Hands-on session and discussion
Wednesday, April 6 – State-of-the-Art Imaging Methods
(joint with the HD-Tomo Days workshop)
Participants are encouraged to stay the whole week and seize the opportunity
to learn about several different approaches to tomographic reconstruction.
Practical Issues
Lunch, coffee, tea and refreshments are provided by us.
Please indicate any dietary restricions on the registration page.
Travel, accomodation, and reimbursement.
Participants must arrange travel and accommodation themselves.
For more practical information (the venue, getting to DTU, and suggestions
for hotels) please refer to
this page
for the workshop.
Participants of the training school from outside Denmark will be partially
reimbursed by COST (more information later).
PCH, Jan. 11, 2016