Introduction to Medical Image Analysis (2020)
Rasmus R. PaulsenDTU Compute
Technical University of Denmark
Thomas B. Moeslund
Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Aalborg University
Getting the book
The book can be bought at Polyteknisk boghandel and Springer Nature.Authors
Rasmus R. Paulsen is an associate professor at DTU Compute at the Techincal University of Denmark (DTU). Thomas B. Moeslund is a Professor at the Technical Faculty of IT and Design (TECH) of Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark, where he serves as Head of Media Technology and Head of the Visual Analysis of People Laboratory (VAP).Affiliated Courses
At DTU there are several courses that have used or are using the book:DTU Course 02502
DTU Course 02511
DTU Course 02512
At the Sino-Danish Center the book is used in the course Fundamental Biomedical Signal Processing in the Neuroscience and Neuroimaging masters programme.
Associate Professor Rasmus R. PaulsenTechnical University of Denmark
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Richard Petersens Plads
Building 324
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
email: rapa at dtu dot dk
web: http://people.compute.dtu.dk/rapa