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2nd International Conference on eXtreme Programming
and Flexible Processes in Software Engineering




Many photos taken at the conference are now online!
To see them, go to the Schedule page, click on the pics icon and follow the link... Enjoy!

The slides of the invited talk of Don Wells (in MS Power Point format) are online!

The book edited by Giancarlo Succi and Michele Marchesi containing a selection of 33 papers presented at XP2000, properly revised and extended, "Extreme Programming Examined", is now available.
It is the fourth book of The XP Series, edited by Kent Beck and published by Addison Wesley!

The Conference has been a big success, with 215 participants from all over the world!
Details on conference participants, by country.

The slides of the invited talks of Jim Highsmith and Ron Jeffries (zipped) are online!

Coming soon:
  • Pictures taken at the Conference.
  • Info on XP2002!

Meanwhile, please have a look at Sardinianet site, showing opportunities to make business with Sardinia!

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Co-financed by E.U., E.R.D.F. SME Program, Action C-8.2/b
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