Algolog refers to the Algorithms and Logic section at DTU Informatics.
The focus of the seminar is on tools and techniques for programming multi-agent systems.
Key topics are multi-agent programming competitions and genuine multi-agent challenges such as organization, communication and agreement as well as algorithms and logics for multi-agent systems.
Organization Committee: Jørgen Villadsen (Chair) & Mikko Berggren Ettienne & John Bruntse Larsen & Niklas Christoffer Petersen
Friday 2 December 2011 13:00-16:00 - Technical University of Denmark (DTU) - Building 322 - Room 033 - DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
13:00-13:25 Introduction: Algolog - Jørgen Villadsen (DTU Informatics) / PLIS - John Gallagher (Roskilde University)
13:25-13:50 Google AI Challenge 2011: Ants - Kasper Hjorth Holdum & Christian Kaysø-Rørdam & Christopher Østergaard de Haas (DTU Informatics)
13:50-14:00 Pause
14:00-14:25 "I wouldn't have thought of it myself" / Emergence and Unexpected Intelligence in Theater Performances Designed as Self-Organizing Critical Systems - Troels Christian Jakobsen (Teater 770° Celsius)
14:25-14:50 Collaboration and Agreement in Multi-Agent Systems - Mikko Berggren Ettienne (DTU Informatics)
14:50-15:00 Pause
15:00-15:25 Inconsistency Handling in Multi-Agent Systems - John Bruntse Larsen (DTU Informatics)
15:25-15:50 Developing Web Application Clients Using Multi-Agent Programming Patterns - Niklas Christoffer Petersen (DTU Informatics)
15:50-16:00 Plenum - Yearly Seminar?
From DTU Informatics unless otherwise stated.
Please contact Jørgen Villadsen if you wish to participate.