In this exercise you will get some introductory experiences with the complex number i.
What is i2, i3, i4, i5, (−i)2, (−i)3, (−i)4 and (−i)−5?
What is the real part and the imaginary part of −5−i7?
What is Re(−5−7i) and Im(−5−7i)?
Write the complex numbers 7i−5, i(7i−5) and i(7i−5)i in rectangular form?
Consider the following ten numbers: −2,0,i,2−i,1+2i,1,−2+3i,−5i,3 and −1−2i. Which are complex, which are real, and which are purely imaginary? Draw the ten numbers in the complex number plane.
Given the number z=4+i.
Draw the four numbers z,iz,i2z og i3z in the complex number plane.
What happens geometrically when a number is multiplied by i?
And divided by i?
Find by the use of elementary computations the rectangular form for the following complex numbers .
3i4 and i24
Given two real numbers a and b.
Why is the number 1a+ib not on rectangular form?
Compute Re(1a+ib) and Im(1a+ib).
Show that ¯¯z=z, and
Let z0=a+ib≠0 be a given complex number. Which complex number corresponds to the mirror image of z0 in
the point (0,0),
the real axis,
the imaginary axis,
the angle bisector in the first quadrant?
Write the result partly by using a, b and i and partly by using z0, ¯z0 and i. Draw all of it in one figure.
By the absolute value |z| of a complex number z we understand the length of the position vector for z in the complex number plane.
Given a complex number in rectangular form z=a+ib. Determine |z|.
Investigate the geometrical meaning of |z1−z2| for two arbitrary complex numbers z1 and z2. Illustrate by examples.
A set of points in the complex number plane is given by
Give a geometric description of the set of points.
In the complex number plane we consider the set of numbers \,M=\left{z\,|\,\,|z-1+2i|\leq 3\,\right}\,.
Sketch M.
Determine the subset of M that is real.
In this exercise we consider two rational numbers a=4142 and b=9899
Which of the two numbers a and b are largest?
Find 3 rational numbers that lie between a and b.
How many rational numbers are there between a and b?
%### Et reelt tal som ikke er rationalt (advanced)\label{U1LD7} %####### begin:question %Vis at $\,\sqrt{5}\notin \mathbb Q\,.$\\\\ %Vink: Skriv $\,\sqrt{5}\,$ som en brøk $\,\frac pq,\,\,q \neq 0$. Tæller og nævner kan, som alle hele tal, på entydig måde (bortset fra evt. rækkefølge) skrives som et produkt af primtal (aritmetikkens fundamentalsætning). %####### end:question
For the real numbers we have the well-known less than order relation < that for all a,b and c fulfills:
Only one of the statements a<b, b<a or a=b is true.
If a<b and b<c then a<c.
If a<b then a+c<b+c.
If a<b and 0<c then ac<bc.
Test the four statements by a few examples.
Show that the order relation < from the real numbers cannot be extended to apply to all complex numbers.