Exercise 1: Today’s Wetware Exercise
Solve the equation (z−3)(z2+1)=0.
Exercise 2: Linear Polynomials
A polynomial P:C↦C is given by
Solve the equation P(z)=0.
Solve the equations P(z)=2 and P(z)=−2+2i.
Exercise 3: Binomial Quadratic Equations with Real Right-Hand Sides
Let r be a positive real number. Explain that the equation
has exactly two solutions given by z0=−i√r and z1=i√r.
Solve the equations z2=16 and z2=−16.
Solve the equations z2=17 and z2=−17.
Solve the equations z2=625 and z2=−625.
Let b be a real number. Show that the solutions for z2=ib lie on line y=x when b>0 and on the line y=−x when b<0.
Exercise 4: Factorizations
Show (without use of the solutions formula!) that −1+2i is a root in the quadratic polynomial
Determine (without use of the solutions formula!) the second root of the polynomial and state P(z)\, in factorized form.
Given that i and 1+i are roots in the polynomial
Reduce the fraction
Exercise 5: The Theorem of Descent
%*Introduktion*: %Hvis et $n$'te gradspolynomium $P$ har roden $z_0\,,$ kan $P$ omskrives således: %$$P(z)=(z-z_0)\cdot Q(z)$$%hvor $Q$ er et entydigt bestemt $(n-1)$'te gradspolynomium. Men hvordan finder man $Q\,?$ Det gør man ved en divisionsalgoritme kaldet *polynomiers division* hvor $P$ divideres med førstegradspolynomiet $z-z_0\,.$ Divisionen går op, netop fordi $z_0$ er rod i polynomiet. %Eksempel: Tredjegradspolynomiet $\,P(x)=x^3-2x^2+2x-15\,$ har roden $3\,.$ Vi dividerer roden ud således: %\begin{center} %\includegraphics[trim=3cm 10.3cm 3cm 16cm,width=1.0\textwidth,clip]{billeder/MohrPolynomier2.pdf} %\end{center} %Konklusionen er at $P$ kan skrives på faktoriseret form således: %$$P(z)=(z-3)\cdot (z^2+z+5)\,.$$
Show that x0=1 is a root in the polynomial
and determine a quadratic polynomial Q such that
Determine all complex roots for the 7‘th degree polynomial
State the polynomial in complete factorized form, and state the multiplicity of the roots. Hint: Use the result in the previous question.
Show that 2 is a double root in the polynomial 2z4−4z3−16z+32.
Find all solutions to the equation
%####### begin:question
%Hvilken grad har polynomiet $\,(2z^4-4z^3-16z+3)(2z^3-16)\,?$ Opskriv polynomiet på fuldstændig faktoriseret form, og angiv røddernes algebraiske multipliciteter.
%####### end:question
Exercise 6: Master the Concepts
Important clarifications concerning polynomials:
If a n‘th degree polynomial and a n‘th degree equation has equal coefficients, what is then actually the difference between them?
How many real roots has a complex polynomial of degree n?
How many real roots does a real polynomial of degree n have?
How many roots both real and complex does a real polynomial of degree n have?
About two n‘th degree polynomials P and Q it is known that every root in P is root in Q with equal algebraic multiplicity. Are the two polynomials identical?
Exercise 7: Differentiations
A real polynomial P of a real variable is given by
Determine the derivative of P.
In Section 1.10 in eNote 1 about complex numbers differentiation of complekse functions of a real variable is introduced. An example of a complex function of a real variable is the function f given by
Note that both the real part and the imaginary part of f is a real polynomial of a real variable. Determine the derivative f′(t) and the differential quotient f′(0).
The function g is given by
Exactly one solution to the equation g′(t)=−6−i exists. Find it!
A complex polynomial Q of a real variable is given by
Show that Q can be differentiated following the same rules that apply to real polynomials of a real variable, if only i is treated as any other constant.
Exercise 8: Polynomial with Complex Coefficients
Solve the binomial Quadratic Equation z2=3−4i. Hint: use the methode in
Example 2.23 in eNote 2.
Given the polynomial
Determine the roots of the polynomial.
Exercise 9: The Geometry of a Quadratic Equation. Enjoy!
Given the complex number α=3−4i and the complex set of numbers
Show that α∈S. Illustrate.
Given that the polynomial P(z)=z2+az+b has real coefficients, and that α is a root in P(z).
State all roots of P(z), and determine a and b.
Let c be an arbitrary real number that fulfills c∈[−10;10]. Show that roots in the polynomial Q(z)=z2+cz+25 belong to S.