The surface $\,\mathcal S_0\,$ consists of the part of the unit sphere with centre at the origin that lies on or above the plane given by the equation $\,\displaystyle{z=\frac 12\,.}$
Give a parametric representation for $\,\mathcal S_0\,$, and for the surface $\,\mathcal S_t\,$ that $\,\mathcal S_0\,$ is deformed into, at time $\,t\,$, when it floats with the flow curves of $\,\mV\,$. Plot $\,\mathcal S_0\,$ using Maple together with $\,\mathcal S_t\,$ for selected values of $\,t\,$.
For $\,\mathcal S_0\,$ you just use the standard parametric representation for the unit sphere, with the addition that the parameter $\,u\,$ not as usual goes from 0 to $\,\pi\,,$ but only from 0 to $\,\pi/3\,.$
For $\,\mathcal S_t\,$:
Explain that $\,\mathcal S_0\,$ does not have common points with $\,\mathcal S_t\,$ for $\,t>0\,.$
Determine a parametric representation for the spatial field $\,\Omega_t\,$ that $\,\mathcal S_t\,$ has passed since it left $\,\mathcal S_0\,$ at time $\,t=0\,,$ and determine the volume Vol$(t)\,$ of $\,\Omega_t\,.$
Note that the surface of $\Omega$ consists of two parts: A hemi-spherical shell and a circular base.
If Gauss is right, you get the same answer to the two questions. The answer is
$$8a^3\pi\,(\frac 15 a^2 - \frac 23)\,.$$
For which $\,a\,$ is the Flux($\mV,\partial\,\Omega$), with the given unit normal vector field $\,\mathbf n_{\,\partial \Omega}\,$ positive ( ‘‘outflow through $\partial \Omega$ larger than inflow’’).
The flux is negative for $\,0<a<\frac{\sqrt{30}}{3}\,$, otherwise positive.
Which characteristic equality is there between Gauss’ Theorem about the relation between the divergence integral and the orthogonal surface integral on the one hand and the identity known from highschool:
$$\left[ F(x)\right] _a^b=\int_a^b F'(x)dx\,?$$
Divergence can freely formulated be considered to be the derivative of the vector field. In both cases we can say that we have pushed the integration ‘‘out on the boundary’’, i.e. on the surface and the end-points of the interval, respectively.
Exercise 4: Gauss’ Theorem Applied on an Open Surface!
together with a hemi-spherical surface $F,$ that is given by
$$x^2+y^2+z^2-4z=0\,\,\mathrm{og}\,\,z\leq 2\,.$$
Draw a sketch of $F$ using pen and paper.
Make a square completion. That’s the southern half part of a spherical shell with centre in $(0,0,2)$ and radius 2.
$F$ is thought to be oriented with a unit normal vector field with negative $z$-coordinate. We wish to determine the flux though $F,$ but it turns out to be rather difficult to integrate over the surface $F\,,$ since the vector field is a bit complicated. On the other hand it is not difficult to find Div$(\mV)(x,y,z)\,,$ therefore we will tune the problem, so it can be solved using Gauss’ Theorem. We start by integrating the divergence of $\mV$ over the solid hemisphere $\Omega$ that fills $F$.
Compute the flux of $\mV$ out through the surface $\partial \Omega$ of $\Omega$, by computing the flux as
Here you shall of course need the ordinary parametric representation for a solid sphere (remember the centre). And its Jacobi function.
$\mr(u,v,w)=(u\sin(v)\cos(w), u\sin(v)\sin(w), u\cos(v)+2)\,.$
Jacobi is of course $\,u^2\sin(v)\,.$
Now state the integrand, and readily use Maple to compute the tripple integral.
But, the hemi-spherical surface is open on the top side, but we have computed the flux through the closed surface!
Find a parametric representation of the circular disc that can cover the top side of the hemisphere.
We shall find the flux through the surface without the circular disc…
We have already found the flux through the surface of the solid hemisphere.
The flux through the hemi-spherical surface is found as the flux through the surface of the solid hemisphere minus the flux through the circular disc.
Flux($\mV$,hemi-spherical surface)$=-\frac{64\pi}{15}\,.$
Exercise 5: The Coulomb Vector Field
Coulomb (1736-1806) worked with electro magnetism. From his work we know the so-called Coulomb Vector Field:
where $\,a\,$ and $\,h\,$ are positive real numbers. In the following we shall compute the flux out of the surface of $\,\Omega\,$ in two different ways. Just follow the steps below.
Draw a sketch of $\,\Omega\,$ using paper and pencil and determine a parametric representation for each of the three parts that the surface $\,\partial\Omega\,$ of $\,\Omega\,$ consists of: The bottom, the top and the tubular shaped part.
Determine the flux of $\,\mV\,$ out through $\,\partial\Omega\,$ by computing the flux out of each of the three parts that $\,\partial\Omega\,$ consists of. What does in fact the size of the cylinder mean for strength of the flux? And in addition: What is the limit value of the strength of the flux when $\,a\,$ and $\,h\,$ tend towards 0?
Determine the flux of $\,\mV\,$ out through $\,\partial\Omega\,$ using Gauss’ Theorem. Readily use Maple to compute the divergence of $\,\mV\,.$
Maybe you find out that something is terribly wrong! What seems to be the problem?
Look again at the Coulomb vector field, is there something that we have forgotten above?