\\\\( \nonumber \newcommand{\bevisslut}{$\blacksquare$} \newenvironment{matr}[1]{\hspace{-.8mm}\begin{bmatrix}\hspace{-1mm}\begin{array}{#1}}{\end{array}\hspace{-1mm}\end{bmatrix}\hspace{-.8mm}} \newcommand{\transp}{\hspace{-.6mm}^{\top}} \newcommand{\maengde}[2]{\left\lbrace \hspace{-1mm} \begin{array}{c|c} #1 & #2 \end{array} \hspace{-1mm} \right\rbrace} \newenvironment{eqnalign}[1]{\begin{equation}\begin{array}{#1}}{\end{array}\end{equation}} \newcommand{\eqnl}{} \newcommand{\matind}[3]{{_\mathrm{#1}\mathbf{#2}_\mathrm{#3}}} \newcommand{\vekind}[2]{{_\mathrm{#1}\mathbf{#2}}} \newcommand{\jac}[2]{{\mathrm{Jacobi}_\mathbf{#1} (#2)}} \newcommand{\diver}[2]{{\mathrm{div}\mathbf{#1} (#2)}} \newcommand{\rot}[1]{{\mathbf{rot}\mathbf{(#1)}}} \newcommand{\am}{\mathrm{am}} \newcommand{\gm}{\mathrm{gm}} \newcommand{\E}{\mathrm{E}} \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}} \newcommand{\mU}{\mathbf{U}} \newcommand{\mA}{\mathbf{A}} \newcommand{\mB}{\mathbf{B}} \newcommand{\mC}{\mathbf{C}} \newcommand{\mD}{\mathbf{D}} \newcommand{\mE}{\mathbf{E}} \newcommand{\mF}{\mathbf{F}} \newcommand{\mK}{\mathbf{K}} \newcommand{\mI}{\mathbf{I}} \newcommand{\mM}{\mathbf{M}} \newcommand{\mN}{\mathbf{N}} \newcommand{\mQ}{\mathbf{Q}} \newcommand{\mT}{\mathbf{T}} \newcommand{\mV}{\mathbf{V}} \newcommand{\mW}{\mathbf{W}} \newcommand{\mX}{\mathbf{X}} \newcommand{\ma}{\mathbf{a}} \newcommand{\mb}{\mathbf{b}} \newcommand{\mc}{\mathbf{c}} \newcommand{\md}{\mathbf{d}} \newcommand{\me}{\mathbf{e}} \newcommand{\mn}{\mathbf{n}} \newcommand{\mr}{\mathbf{r}} \newcommand{\mv}{\mathbf{v}} \newcommand{\mw}{\mathbf{w}} \newcommand{\mx}{\mathbf{x}} \newcommand{\mxb}{\mathbf{x_{bet}}} \newcommand{\my}{\mathbf{y}} \newcommand{\mz}{\mathbf{z}} \newcommand{\reel}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\mL}{\bm{\Lambda}} \newcommand{\mnul}{\mathbf{0}} \newcommand{\trap}[1]{\mathrm{trap}(#1)} \newcommand{\Det}{\operatorname{Det}} \newcommand{\adj}{\operatorname{adj}} \newcommand{\Ar}{\operatorname{Areal}} \newcommand{\Vol}{\operatorname{Vol}} \newcommand{\Rum}{\operatorname{Rum}} \newcommand{\diag}{\operatorname{\bf{diag}}} \newcommand{\bidiag}{\operatorname{\bf{bidiag}}} \newcommand{\spanVec}[1]{\mathrm{span}{#1}} \newcommand{\Div}{\operatorname{Div}} \newcommand{\Rot}{\operatorname{\mathbf{Rot}}} \newcommand{\Jac}{\operatorname{Jacobi}} \newcommand{\Tan}{\operatorname{Tan}} \newcommand{\Ort}{\operatorname{Ort}} \newcommand{\Flux}{\operatorname{Flux}} \newcommand{\Cmass}{\operatorname{Cm}} \newcommand{\Imom}{\operatorname{Im}} \newcommand{\Pmom}{\operatorname{Pm}} \newcommand{\IS}{\operatorname{I}} \newcommand{\IIS}{\operatorname{II}} \newcommand{\IIIS}{\operatorname{III}} \newcommand{\Le}{\operatorname{L}} \newcommand{\app}{\operatorname{app}} \newcommand{\M}{\operatorname{M}} \newcommand{\re}{\mathrm{Re}} \newcommand{\im}{\mathrm{Im}} \newcommand{\compl}{\mathbb{C}} \newcommand{\e}{\mathrm{e}} \\\\)

Exercise 1: The Right-Hand Rule and Stokes’ Theorem


Stokes’ Theorem is about a surface and its boundary curve. The theorem presuppose that both the surface and its boundary curve has been given an orientation and that the relation between the two orientations fulfills what is popularly known as the right-hand rule: The direction of the unit normal vector should form a right-hand ‘screw’ with the direction of the boundary curve. Or in other words: When one from the endpoint of the unit normal vector of the surface looks at the boundary curve, it is traversed in the counter-clockwise direction.

Let us e.g. consider the northern hemisphere of the Earth. If the unit normal vector field is chosen such that the unit normal vectors point away from the center of the Earth the right-hand rules demands that the equator is traversed towards the East.


In eNote 29the right-hand rule is formulated in a formally more correct way like this: When Stokes’ Theorem is used ‘‘the orientation (given by the direction of unit tangential vector field $\,\me_{\partial F}\,$) of the boundary shall be chosen so that the cross product $\,\me_{\partial F}\times \mn_F\,$ points away from the surface along the boundary’’.

The following exercise should be solved by hand.

Consider in space the circular disc $\,F\,$ given by $\,x^2+y^2\leq 4\,$ and $\,z=0\,.$


Chose a parametric representation for $\,F\,$ and a paramtric representation for the boundary curve $\,\partial F\,$, such that corresponding orientations of $\,F\,$ and $\,\partial F\,$ fulfill the right-hand rule.


Let $\mN$ denote the normal vector for $\,F\,$ genererated tby the parametric representation for $\,F\,$, and let $\mT$ denote the tangential vector for $\,\partial F,$ generated by the parametric representation for $\,\partial F\,$. Show that the cross product $\,\mT \times \mN\,$ points away from the surface along the boundary.

Given the vector field $\,\mV(x,y,z)=(x^2-y,-yz,xz)\,$.


Determine using Stokes’ Theorem the circulation of $\,\mV\,$ along $\,\partial F\,$.


A student has accidentally chosen the parametric representations for $\,F\,$ and $\,\partial F\,$, such that the right hand rule are not fulfilled. But otherwise the computations are correct. What will then be the answer of the student?

Exercise 2: Stokes and the Right-Hand Rule

In the space a triangular surface $\,T\,$ with the vertices $\,A(0,0,1)\,,$ $\,B(1,0,0)\,$ and $\,C(0,1,0)\,$ is given together with a vector field $\,\mV(x,y,z)=(z,x,y)\,.$


Determine a parametric representation $\,\mr\,$ for $\,T\,$, and plot the triangle using Maple.


Choose an orientation of the boundary curve $\,\partial T\,$, and show it on a figure. Does it fulfill the right-hand rule with repspect to $\,\mr\,$?


Determine using Stokes’ Theorem the circulation of $\,\mV\,$ along $\,\partial T\,.$

Exercise 3: Surfaces with a Given Curve as Boundary Curve

Given the vector field

$$\,\mV(x,y,z)=(y\exp (xy)+z^2\,,\,x\exp (xy)+z^2+x\,,\,2x^2+2y^2)\,$$

together with the closed curve

$$\,\mathcal K=\lbrace (x,y,z)\,\vert\, x^2+y^2=1\,,\,\, z=1\rbrace\,.$$

The exercise is about determining the circulation of the vector field along the curve using Stokes’ Theorem, with a self-chosen orientation.


Make a sketch of $\,\mathcal K\,$, and mark the chosen orientation.


Choose two different surfaces $\,\mF_1\,$ and $\,\mF_2\,$ that have $\,\mathcal K\,$ as boundary curve. State for each of the surfaces a parametric representation that fulfill the right-hand rule with respect to the chosen orientation of $\,\mathcal K\,$.


Determine the cirkulation of $\,\mV\,$ langs $\,\mathcal K\,$ using Stokes’ Theorem, using both $\,\mF_1\,$ and $\,\mF_2\,,$ as surfaces with $\,\mathcal K\,$ as boundary curve.


Why is it advantageous to use Stokes’ Theorem instead of finding the circulation using the ordinary way of computing a tangential curve integral?

Exercise 4: Verification of Stokes’ Theorem through an Example

A cylinder of revolution is given by the equation $\,(x-1)^2+y^2=1\,,$ a plane is given by equation $\,z=2-x\,$, and finally a vector field is given by $\,\mV(x,y,z)=(y,z,x)\,.$



Determine a parametric representation for the closed curve of intersection $\,\mathcal K\,$ between the cylinder and the plane.


Determine the circulation of $\mV$ along the curve of intersection without using Stokes’ Theorem.


Now determine a parametric representation for the surface $\,\mathcal F\,$ in the given plane $\,z=2-x\,$, that span the curve of intersection (i.e. that has this curve as the boundary curve), and again determine the circulation of $\,\mV\,$ along the curve of intersection, this time using Stokes’ Theorem.

Exercise 5: Stokes’ Theorem!

Given the vector field


and the surface $\,\mathcal F\,$ given by

$$\,\mathcal F=\lbrace (x,y,z)\,\vert\, z=\sqrt{a^2-x^2-y^2}\,\,\mathrm{and}\,\, x^2+y^2\leq a^2\rbrace\,.$$

Explain that $\,\mF\,$ is a hemi-sphere and sketch its boundary curve $\,\partial F\,$ including a marking of the orientation for $\,\partial F\,$.


Determine the flux of the curl of $\,\mV\,$ through $\,F\,$.

Exercise 6: The Potential for a Divergence Free Vector Field


If there in $\,\reel^3\,$ is given a smooth vector field $\,\mV(x,y,z)\,$ that is divergence free, i.e. $\,\mathrm{Div}(\mV)(x,y,z)=0\,$ in all of $\,\reel^3\,,$ then $\,\mV\,$ has a potential (also known as the vector potential) $\,\mW\,$ about which it applies that


For every smooth vector field $\,\mV\,$ we introduce the star vector field $\,\mW^*(x,y,z)\,$ by the formula

$$\mW^*(x,y,z)= -(x,y,z) \times \int_0^1 u\cdot \mV(u\cdot x,u\cdot y,u\cdot z)\, du\,.$$

The formula shall be read in the following way: First three integrals are computed and afterwards the cross product is computed. The following theorem applies: $\,\mV\,$ is divergence free if and only if the curl of $\,\mW^*\,$ equals $\,\mV\,.$

The following exercise must be solved by hand.


Given the vector fields


Determine the star vector field that corresponds to each of the vector fields, and determine the curl of the star vector fields found.


Determine $\,\mathrm{Div}(\mU)(x,y,z)\,$ and $\,\mathrm{Div}(\mV)(x,y,z)\,.$

Exercise 7: The Potential and Stokes’ Theorem

In $(x,y,z)$-space we are given the vector field


and the surface

$$\mathcal F=\{\,(x,y,z)\,|\,x^2+y^2+(z-1)^2=1\,\,\mathrm{and}\,\,z\geq 1\,\}\,.$$

Describe and sketch $\mathcal F$ and its boundary curve $\partial \mathcal F\,$.


Determine using Stokes’ Theorem the flux of $\mU$ through $\mathcal F\,$, when $\mathcal F\,$ is thought to be oriented with the unit normal vector field pointing away from the origin.


Describe why it is advantageous to use Stokes’ Theorem in this exercise.

Exercise 8: Potential (advanced)

Consider the vector field

$$\mV(x,y,z)=\big(\,z\cdot \cos(yz),x\cdot\cos(xz),y\cdot\cos(xy)\,\big)\,$$

and the square curve $\,\mathcal K\,$ that connects the points $\,(0,0,0),(1,0,0),(1,1,0)\,$ and $\,(0,1,0)\,$, and whose orientation is determined by the order given by this list of points.


Show that $\,\mW(x,y,z)=\big(\,\sin(xz),\sin(xy),\sin(yz)\,\big)\,$ is a potential for $\mV$.


Determine the flux of $\,\mV\,$ through an arbitrary surface that has $\,\mathcal K\,$ as boundary curve, by computing the flux as the circulation of $\,\mW\,$ along $\,\partial K\,$.


Explain that the result in the previous question can also be found by an ordinary flux computation. And compute the result in this way.