Thesis Supervision

NOTE: General information about picking a thesis subject and a supervisor is available on the Human-Centered AI page.

If you are interested in doing a MSc (or in some cases, a BSc or BEng) thesis with me as supervisor, you’re welcome to contact me.

I unfortunately need to prioritize projects that are closer to ongoing or budding research topics, in order to make sure I can allocate enough time for each student. However, you’re welcome to contact me with either a request for interesting projects (I always have some “on stock”; see e.g. the Research section) or an idea you may wish to discuss. In some cases I may refer you to a collegue that I think would be more suitable for your project.

How I Supervise

Typically I meet with students every 2 weeks, or as needed (sometimes more frequently in busy times).

Students can book a supervision slot, typically available Thursdays. When we have agreed on your project, I will share a link to the booking calendar.

In the supervision meetings, we typically talk about

  1. What was achieved (sometimes compared to what was planned) since our last meeting,
  2. Any current problems that needs to be addressed,
  3. What are the key topics to address for the next 1-2 weeks (your “sprint”), and
  4. What could possibly go wrong…

It is a good idea if you prepare by bringing and presenting your “results”, whether it is a machine learning model, a set of results and statistical tests, qualitative feedback from your interviews, a concrete UI you have designed, some running piece of code or your 3D printed prototype, a table overview of the literature you have reviewed, existing solutions or something else.

Preparing for a Thesis

It’s fine to come and ask for a thesis subject. I usually have several research ideas “on stock” that are be suitable for a thesis topic. You may also have an idea yourself, but as mentioned above, I would need to give preference to topics that are releated to our ongoing research.

Whether you want to discuss your own idea, or we have discussed a topic suitable for your thesis, the next step is preparing a short description of this idea. It is important that you, as a student, write this text, to reduce the risk of mis-communication.

You should then consider the following points, and sum it up on one A4 page, using the following template and mailing it to me in advance:

  1. A thesis title (in English and in Danish) that sums up what you will be doing.

  2. The problem the thesis is addressing, preferably with reference to state of the art and/or research topics that you have looked into. This could be many things…

  3. The methods planned to be used addressing the problem.

  4. The planned outcome.

In additon, you need to include also important details like:

  1. Your study number sNNNNNN,

  2. The type of project (MSc, BSc or BEng),

  3. The expected starting (and ending) dates and

  4. How many points (30, 32.5 or 35 for a MSc, 15 or 20 usually for a BSc project).

It usually takes a couple of iterations to get nailed down. But once it’s agreed, this will then form the basis for registering the project.

Note that this should be done latest 2 weeks in advance to the project date – but in many cases it is preferable to do this much earlier (even up to half a year in advance), since it will allow a better preparation and possibly also to select final courses that are relevant for the thesis.

A thesis can be done when miss 15 or less ECTS in regular course-work.

It can be done individually or with a small group. I usually don’t recommend more than two persons that trust and know one another well.

Also, you should have a look at the overall learning objectives of a master thesis and requirements, to be sure this is addressed with your thesis – here quoting from the Study Handbook (Direct link for H-CAI). This is from the 2023 edition; check for any updates:

The content and learning objectives of the thesis

The content of the thesis is to be agreed upon with a supervisor. Find more information on the supervisor below in the section ‘’The supervisor’.

The thesis may contain a combination of experimental work, fieldwork, theoretical studies, synthesis, modelling, and analysis. All theses must include elements of literature studies and criticism. In addition, the thesis contains the following overarching learning objectives:

A graduate of the MSc programme from DTU:

  • can identify and reflect on technical scientific issues and understand the interaction between the various components that make up an issue

  • can, based on a clear academic profile, apply elements of current research at an international level to develop ideas and solve problems

  • masters technical scientific methodologies, theories, and tools, and can take a holistic view of and delimit a complex, open issue, put it into a broader academic and societal perspective, and, on this basis, propose a variety of possible actions while considering sustainability

  • can develop relevant models, systems, technologies, and processes aimed at solving technological problems

  • can communicate and mediate research-based knowledge both orally and in writing

  • is familiar with and can seek out leading international research within their specialist area.

  • can work independently and reflect on own learning, academic development, and specialization

  • masters technical problem-solving at a high level through cross-disciplinary teamwork, and can work with and manage all phases of a project – including preparation of timetables, design, solution, and documentation

In particular, it’s important to ensure the thesis contains both empirical elements (i.e. something you do “in the field” or synthesising solutions etc) and scientific/academical elements (based on litterature etc).

Writing a Thesis

Theses are very different and may use different methodologies and approaches.

Most are, however, modelled around the IMRAD model, containing an Introduction, Methods, Results, Analysis and Discussion. ( Citation: , (). Original (scientific) paper: The IMRAD layout. Archive of Oncology, 11(3). 203–205. ; Citation: & , & (). The introduction, methods, results, and discussion (IMRAD) structure: A fifty-year survey. Journal of the medical library association, 92(3). 364. ; Citation: , (). Improving the writing of research papers: IMRAD and beyond. Springer. ; Citation: , & al., , , & (). Organization of a research paper: The IMRAD format. Scientific writing and communication in agriculture and natural resources. 13–25. )

Your thesis structure may for instance follow this template:

  • Introduction and Motivation
    • Why is this interesting
    • Initial Problem Statement (IPS)
  • Related Work / State-of-the-Art / Background
    • Overview of the litterature, possibly following the PRISMA model and a basis for comparison
    • What is currently being used (other tools, apps, systems, …) and their key attributes
    • General background information that is needed to understand the thesis
    • Final Problem Statement (FPS), with some (measureable) sub-points you intend to achieve
  • Methods / Methodology and Materials
    • A (scientifically anchored) overview of the methods used to address the FPS
  • Results
    • A detailed description of what came out of your methods
    • This section may be divided into multiple chapters if you e.g. follow an iterative approach
  • Discussion
    • What was achieved compared to the FPS
    • How does it compare to the litterature and other solutions you presented initially
    • Only after telling what you did you talk about what you didn’t do, i.e.
      • Limitations
      • Future works
  • Conclusion
    • Refer back to the FPS and conclude what you achived with sufficient detail
    • Nothing new here, and no more than a page

It is important that a thesis has a good narrative (in Danish “en rød tråd”). Explain all the logic behind decisions you made and what lead you to the next step, explain what your results mean, etc. Be precise in your writing; give relevant details and ask if others could reproduce your results (which is the golden standard in research). Also be consistent and use the same names for the same concepts in the entire report; this is easily missed as you often write the thesis over a period of many months. It also applies to figures and tables; stick to similar styling when you can, and check that you use the exact same wording also in figures and tables as in the main text. Don’t try to vary your writing style in e.g. repeated summaries of experiments. Report things using the exact same language if you’re reporting e.g. the same thing for related experiments; it will confuse your readers and make them wonder what the difference is in e.g. experimental setups when in fact there may be none…

A typical MSc thesis is often around 60-90 pages, plus appendices. I’ve seen works between 30 and 200 pages, but if a thesis is very short, there can be a lot to explain in the defence, and if it is very long, the reader may struggle to follow the narrative.

You may get some additional good advice by looking at e.g. my colleagues Jakob Andreas Bærentzens or Jakob Eyvind Bardrams summaries of what it means to work on and write a thesis.

List of Supervised or Co-supervised Projects

The following is a list of projects (MSc/BSc/BEng/PhD, internship or special course) that I have supervised. The date (in parantheses) is the agreed end-date of the project.

Masters (MSc) Theses

  • Intervening without interrupting: A study on the optimal level of intervention in reading applications with adap- tive user interfaces. (2025-01-30)
  • Characterization of hearing aid mobile application use (2024-12-06)
  • Making the Danish Parliament more accessible through modern web technologies and AI (2024-10-22)
  • Merlin: Advancing D&D Gameplay with AI-Assisted Character and Scenario Building (2024-09-28)
  • Unveiling Reading Patterns: Exploring the Impact of Writing Styles on Reading Behaviour through Eye Tracking (2024-08-12)
  • Improving cross-organizational collaboration through enhanced Key Performance Indicators at Novo Nordisk (2024-08-09)
  • Analysing Eye Movements for Patients with Acute Vertigo (2024-07-22)
  • Integrating Generative AI for Image Editing Software in iOS Mobile devices (2024-07-20)
  • Reactive Reading: Crafting an Adaptive Frontend Interface for Dynamic Machine Learning (2024-07-14)
  • Enabling Human-Centered Digitalization: Improving the User Journey in a Co-Creation Design Process (2024-07-07)
  • Designing an Optimal User Experience for a Journaling App Empowering Users to Reflect on Their Mental Health By Exploring LLM Integration (2024-07-02)
  • Designing a Typography-Adaptive Reading Interface for Individuals with Central Vision Loss (2024-06-22)
  • Designing a reading aid for AMD patients (2024-06-14)
  • A software system for young patient anxiety recognition in emergency care unit setting (2024-06-01)
  • Integrating User-Centric Design Practices in Agile Development Processes (2024-05-31)
  • Application of generative Artificial Intelligence in Design Processes (2024-03-14)
  • UX design of visual health data dashboard for the elderly based on fluid balance monitoring (2024-02-18)
  • New Advancements in AI and UX: A Path to Faster Product-Market Fit? (2024-02-16)
  • Mitigation of Anxiety in Pediatric Emergency Care: Evaluating and Developing Child-Friendly Interfaces for a Mobile Application (2024-02-12)
  • Development of eyetracking glasses for children (2024-02-11)
  • Collecting physiological biometrics while using mobile game application for assessment of children’s anxiety awaiting hospital treatmentda (2024-01-28)
  • Machine Learning Pipelines for GDPR compliant models used for epilepsy diagnosis (2023-11-06)
  • How does context affect our cognitive abilities and user experience? (2023-09-17)
  • Design, develop and create an optimal user experience for an app that aims to aid in managing diabetes by tracking their food nutrition, sleep, and exercise (2023-08-31)
  • Promoting Mental Well-Being: A Methodical Approach to Preventing Depression and Cultivating Healthy Habits Through Technological Intervention (2023-08-22)
  • Engineering a digital intervention for social media addiction (2023-08-17)
  • Development of the groundwork for a Hololens prototype for training and education of new and existing workforce through the use of UX methods. (2023-08-15)
  • All-Pets: Personalized health tracking app for pets (2023-07-14)
  • Enhancing Mission Critical Communication: An Adaptive User Interface Framework (2023-07-06)
  • Improving UX in book tracking platform through co-creation and design thinking (2023-06-30)
  • Widex moment app (2023-06-28)
  • Reducing children’s anxiety in hospital waiting areas through a user centric system design (2023-06-23)
  • Automated detection of reading pattern differences for normal readers compared to people with dyslexia. (2023-06-04)
  • Optovue - RPA monitoring system (2023-06-02)
  • Improving Discoverability in a 3D building simulator (2023-06-01)
  • Development of a Hololens prototype for training and education of new and existing workforce (2023-05-10)
  • Development of a machine learning tool along with UX design to assess levels of anxiety in children before they are met by medical professional in the emergency department. (2023-02-28)
  • Data-driven optimization of UX & UI (2023-02-01)
  • Inclusive user experience of a 3D building software (2023-01-29)
  • Utilizing AR technology to accelerate and maintain education of new and existing workforce (2022-12-08)
  • Online quality control of EEG signals (2022-12-04)
  • Preventative maintenance of containers using machine learning-based methods (2022-10-19)
  • Image analysis of retinal fundus images (2022-09-16)
  • Product development and User experience of a personalized online diabetes guide (2022-08-01)
  • Using Machine Learning to Detect Eye Movement Events and Predict Motor Errors in AR/VR Headsets (2022-07-15)
  • Design, development and validation of a decision support application for patients with type 2 diabetes (2022-07-09)
  • Cooperative and competitive behavior in multi-agent reinforcement learning via transformers (2022-07-08)
  • AR/VR Visual Aids in portable headsets (2022-07-02)
  • Design, development and user experience of a meal support application to help control blood glucose (2022-06-30)
  • Analysis and development of interactive interface for people suffering from vision loss (2022-02-23)
  • XR Engine for Real-Time Gaze-Contingent Image-Processing and Rendering (2022-02-01)
  • Improvement of user experience regarding measurement of blood sugar level for type-2 diabetes, through co-creation and participatory design. (2022-01-30)
  • Micro-Intervention Technology for promoting Healthy Grocery Shopping Habits in Supermarkets (2021-12-20)
  • Virtual tests of visual field - implementing and validating an eye-movement based perimetry test in augmented reality headsets (2021-09-15)
  • Assessing User Experience Processes in Medium-sized Organisations (2021-08-15)
  • A Framework for Experimental and Physiological Data Collection and Analysis (2021-08-06)
  • Re-design of the consultancy process for migraine patients (2021-07-04)
  • Designing and testing an improved user experience for an intraoral dental scanner using light, sound and vibrotactile feedback (2021-06-25)
  • Neural Network based eye gaze detection using ear-EEG for hearing instruments (2021-04-25)
  • User Experience for Automated Image Analysis in Digital Pathology (2021-03-30)
  • Image manipulation for eye tracking for low vision aids (2021-02-28)
  • A Neural Predictive Mode for Employee Attrition Risk Identification and Forecasting Voluntary Employee Turnover (2021-01-31)
  • Innovating epilepsy diagnostics in low-income countries: A Lean Business and UX approach (2020-09-30)
  • Smart Ambient User Experience for Developmental Dyslexic Children (2020-09-01)
  • Assessing mild traumatic brain injuries using visual tracking methods (2020-08-14)
  • Breaking the cycle of addiction by design (2020-07-18)
  • Evaluating the added value of using emotional design principles for apps attached to wearables (2020-07-02)
  • Using Eye Tracking to Evaluate the Usability of the Danish Healthcare Platform (2020-06-28)
  • Commercializing inline process instruments - Exhibitions (2020-06-27)
  • Behavior changes in diabetics' lifestyle leveraging a user-centered design solution (2020-06-02)
  • User centric multidimensional data visualization in mixed reality (2020-03-15)
  • SmartMed: En engagerende måde at følge planlagt medicinforbrug (2019-12-17)
  • Learning multilingual embeddings for an AI virtual audiologist bot (2019-09-15)
  • How is your lifestyle? An analysis of data visualisation for diabetes type 2 patients, with a UX approach. (2019-09-01)
  • Comparison of Visualization Techniques for Self-tracking Data to Facilitate Reflection (2019-08-24)
  • Development and design of smartphone application to provide individualized feedback on adaption strategies associated with thermal stress (2019-08-04)
  • Understanding sense-making behaviour of software developers using process mining in a behaviour-driven development context (2019-07-28)
  • Detecting intervention needs using eye tracking (2019-07-13)
  • Pipeline for Analyzing and Visualizing Eye Tracking Data (2019-07-08)
  • Platform Design for Sharing Novel Driver Perspective Video as a Remedy in Fault Claims - Validating the business case (2019-06-28)
  • Building virtual audiologist AI interfaces (2019-06-02)
  • The optimization of gaze-control for virtual reality-based telerobotics (2019-04-01)
  • Modeling documents and AI chatbots as word embeddings (2019-03-29)
  • Product development and user experience validation of augmented reality in mitigating blind spots (2019-03-05)
  • Improving Operator User Experience in an Operations Control Centre for a Light Rail System – Copenhagen Light Rail (2019-02-01)
  • Architectural blueprint for a neuro-adaptive system (2019-01-27)
  • Towards a user-friendly and intelligent emergency room queue management system (2019-01-22)
  • Interacting with algorithms: Developing a generative design tool to assist creative problem solving using machine learning. (2019-01-15)
  • Food logging and tendency recognition for type 1 diabetics (2019-01-01)
  • Shoulder Surfing Protection for Mobile Devices (2018-09-19)
  • One-Button Active Self-Tracking Data Interaction and Visualization (2018-09-17)
  • Domain specific neural machine translation (2018-09-05)
  • Optimizing the User Experience of Web/Application based Assortment Management Tools used with Hearing Aid Products (2018-08-25)
  • Predicting and Visualising Emergency Room Waiting Times (2018-07-22)
  • Predicting and Visualising Emergency Room Waiting Times (2018-07-02)
  • Deep learning of user intents inferred from internet of things generated data (2018-06-29)
  • User Experience in Small Businesses (2018-06-09)
  • Optimizing communcation between mentally ill patients and psychiatric services by using sensor technology (2018-06-02)
  • Vision Training using Eye Tracking (2018-05-15)
  • Using eye tracking to investigate the impact of refactoring on source code readability (2018-02-18)
  • Low-to-high level Cerebral Palsy Vision Training using Eye Tracking (2018-02-14)
  • UX/UI Design - Use of Digital Self-Service Platform (2018-02-01)
  • Data-driven Supply Chain Optimization (2018-01-16)
  • Conceptualization of the children’s healthcare user experience (2017-11-19)
  • Re-thinking the audiological fitting process for hearing impaired: A study based on intuitive adjustment settings using chatbot AI (2017-09-24)
  • Comparing accuracy and precision of eye tracking devices (2017-09-23)
  • Predicting Subscriber Dissatisfaction and Improving Retention in the Telecommunication Industry using a big data driven Machine Learning approach (2017-08-04)
  • Eye Data Collection and Analysis of Gaze Controlled Keyboard Typing (2017-07-08)
  • The Impact of Layout Properties on the Understandability of Process Models: An Eye Tracking Study (2017-06-23)
  • A UX application design for measuring perceived health related quality of life in chronic heart disease patients (2017-01-31)
  • Improving the user experience in Internet of Things-connected hearing devices (2017-01-01)
  • Complementary multi-device app design intended to actively involve heart-failure patients in the treatment (2016-12-01)
  • An application design aiming at improving the quality of life for heart failure patients (2016-10-31)
  • Rule based algorithm solution for treatment of heart failure patients (2016-08-31)
  • Eye tracking and facial expressions in affective computing (2016-01-17)
  • Incorporating eye tracking in development of games design (2016-01-03)
  • Enhancing User Experience in Games using Eye Tracking (2015-12-31)
  • Identification of individual signatures in eye tracking data using a low cost mobile eye tracker (2015-09-30)
  • Estimating user engagement based on eye tracking (2015-06-15)
  • Reengineering of health care systems with applied LEAN User Experience (2015-06-05)
  • Eye tracking in the 3D scene - estimating user engagement (2015-01-25)
  • Modeling Emotional Responses To Movie Clips Based on Biometric Sensors (2014-09-08)
  • Optimizing User Interaction Based on Eye Tracking (2014-08-15)
  • Optimizing UX In Prototype Games Development Using Eye Tracking (2014-07-20)
  • Game Prototyping Using Biometric Data (2014-07-17)
  • Enhancing User Experience By Combining Eye Tracking And Neurofeedback (2014-01-20)
    In total 126 projects.

Bachelor (BSc) Projects

  • Improving reading amongst dyslexics by identifying specific issues using eye tracking (2024-06-24)
  • Detection of Impaired Eye Tracking Using Mobile Devices (2023-06-05)
  • Android application that visualizes EEG data from BrainCapture in real time (2023-05-30)
  • Interface for fitting glasses on visually impaired patients (2022-08-01)
  • Creating and publishing component APIs for an external device in Flutter (2022-07-10)
  • Application for newly diagnosed diabetic searching for knowledge (2022-06-06)
  • A mobile application for persons with type 2 diabetes to encourage exercising (2022-05-01)
  • Prototype development of a haptics game to improve spatial understanding and navigational skills in blind people (2021-06-06)
  • Comparing Interaction methods for Visually Impaired People Using Mixed Reality and eye tracking (2021-06-01)
  • Designing UX for trustworthiness in a mental health system (2021-04-13)
  • Integrating blood glucose measurements into a patient-assessment healthcare technology tool. (2020-07-05)
  • User-centered design of informative interface regarding student progression (2019-12-23)
  • Towards an infrastructure for neurophysiological data extraction (2019-06-10)
  • Usability of interpretability methods for deep networks (2018-06-21)
  • Mathematical game with focus on user experience (2018-02-21)
  • Adapting gameplay based on facial gesture recognition (2016-06-24)
  • An eye tracking interface for Unity 3D games engine (2015-01-21)
  • Prototype interface integrating eye tracking for interacting with text (2014-12-21)
  • Motor Cortex Control of Smartphone Apps using Neuroimaging (2014-02-12)
  • Synchronizing Mobile Eye Tracking And Neuroimaging On A Smartphone (2014-01-20)
    In total 20 projects.

Diploma (BEng) Projects

  • Optimering af laboratorieprocesser ved hjælp af Augmented Reality (2023-07-24)
  • Screening and guiding patients to Doctors in Southern Iraq (2022-10-19)
  • Usability analysis and redesign recommendations for a better User-centered mobile application (2021-06-06)
  • Eye tracking calibration methods for patients with vision impairment (2021-02-04)
  • Optimization of game flow using eye tracking (2015-03-23)
    In total 5 projects.

Diploma (BEng) Internships

  • DTU Management (2020-06-30)
  • Bang & Olufsen (2020-06-26)
    In total 2 projects.

(Partial list of) PhD Projects

  • Generative AI Learning Technology Improving the Teaching-Learning Experience of First Year Polytechnical Foundation Courses (2027-12-31)

  • From waiting to preparation - Assessing anxiety in preschool children when admitted to the emergency room (2027-04-30)

  • Personalized micro-intervention technology for diabetes self-management (2023-08-31)

  • Digital Business Model Innovations in Nordic Small and Medium-Sized Firms (2022-09-30)

  • Speech-Enabled Conversational Agents to Support the Self-Report of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2021-12-16)

  • Communication keyboards for people with special needs (2021-09-07)

      In total 5 listed PhD projects.

PhD Specialcourses

  • University College London Interaction Centre (UCLIC) Research Seminars (2022-10-01)
  • UX Research and Design Methods (2022-04-08)
  • Real time data driven approaches for mental state detection (2021-03-31)
    In total 3 projects.

Other Projects and Special Courses

  • Industrial Digitalization (2024-07-21)
  • Adaptive Eye Tracking For Enhanced Reading (2024-05-31)
  • Applied deep learning (2023-12-31)
  • Healthcare Reimagined: Nurturing Need-Responsive Innovations (2023-12-10)
  • Reading the Reader (2023-07-20)
  • UX/UI design of a conversation-focused app for language learning (2023-06-12)
  • Digital Product Management (2023-02-15)
  • Anxiety assessment and intervention prior to medical treatment for young patients (2022-12-31)
  • User Experience in practice (2022-07-03)
  • Full stack Mobile Application Development - Roskilde festival powered by DTU students 2022 (2022-06-29)
  • Diagnosing Epilepsy and Challenges Within (2022-05-29)
  • User experience engineering for a biomedical hypothesis generation tool - company case study (2022-01-31)
  • Eye Tracking methods (2022-01-16)
  • Optimising business relevant NP-hard problems using meta-heuristics (2021-12-31)
  • Graphics Engines for Mixed Reality (2021-08-31)
  • Micro-Intervention Technology for promoting Healthier Shopping Habits (2021-06-25)
  • Explication of optimal parameters of interactive interfaces for visual aids (2021-06-13)
  • Appraisal of Usability Engineering when developing medical device products in a medical company (2021-05-30)
  • Market analysis of the use of light, sound and haptic feedback for user feedback (2021-01-22)
  • User experience for developmental dyslexic children and current state of dyslexia research (2020-06-15)
  • Methods for prototype-development in start-ups (2020-05-31)
  • Data visualization within a reporting module (2020-03-15)
  • Digital Journal for Pregnants (2020-01-17)
  • Business case for a Parkinson's Rehabilitation Assistive Mixed Reality Device (2019-10-22)
  • AR technology and applications (2019-09-15)
  • UX design in a corporate innovation unit (2019-07-31)
  • Designing emotionally aware products (2019-07-01)
  • Analytics for User Experience (2019-04-07)
  • Usability test of interpretation methods for deep networks with human participants (2018-11-30)
  • Practical application of analysis, risk analysis and planning techniques (2018-07-31)
  • Advanced Project in User Experience Engineering (2018-06-22)
  • Data driven UX prototyping (2018-06-01)
  • Usability of Voice Interfaces (2018-04-01)
  • User Experience Engineering (2018-02-04)
  • Mobile Eye-Tracking Methods (2018-01-19)
  • Planning, initiating and managing uIntra (2018-01-08)
  • Personalizing hearables by learning user preferences from data (2017-12-08)
  • Development of a mobile app to assert cognitive effort (2017-09-17)
  • UX design based on learned behavioral patterns (2017-06-30)
  • User Experience Engineering (2017-02-12)
  • Big Data Market Analysis and Business Development (2017-01-29)
  • Big Data Market Analysis and Business Development (2017-01-22)
  • Enact - UX and Microinteractions (2016-12-31)
  • Data-driven determination of fixational eye-movements (2016-08-26)
  • UX design aspects of hearing care (2016-06-24)
  • Decoding emotional responses by combining facial gesture recognition with eye tracking (2016-02-01)
  • Using eye tracking to correlate attention with biometric data (2015-05-29)
  • Eye tracking of patterns for detecting personal state of attention (2015-03-02)
  • Analysis of eye tracking data based on Unity 3D game design (2015-02-02)
  • User experience design using eye tracking (2014-12-15)
  • Using eye tracking for navigation in a 3D space based on the Unity games engine (2014-10-31)
  • Eye tracking for analysis of emotional response (2014-06-27)
    In total 52 projects.


Nair, Nair, Nair & Nair (2014)
, , & (). Organization of a research paper: The IMRAD format. Scientific writing and communication in agriculture and natural resources. 13–25.
Sollaci & Pereira (2004)
& (). The introduction, methods, results, and discussion (IMRAD) structure: A fifty-year survey. Journal of the medical library association, 92(3). 364.
Todorović (2003)
(). Original (scientific) paper: The IMRAD layout. Archive of Oncology, 11(3). 203–205.
Wu (2011)
(). Improving the writing of research papers: IMRAD and beyond. Springer.