Reading the Reader

Project Desciption Overview Imagine reading a text that knows you are looking at it – imagine reading a text that adapts to how you read it and supports you as you read. How we read today has changed little since the invention of printing. However, new technologies can make it possible to identify individual reading patterns and adjust the reading material according to the reader, making reading easier and more accessible also for reading impaired to improve comprehension. This needs a robust set of machine learning methods that integrate and classify features from complex, noisy, multimodal data of biological origin in real-time. ...

Per Bækgaard

Anxiety Detection and Reduction in Childrens’ Emergency Care

Project Desciption Overview After being triaged in the hospital emergency department, a procedure that takes approximately 10 minutes, children are typically transferred to a single patient waiting room. Here they spend between two to six hours before receiving treatment. The medical professionals who must perform sometimes unpleasant and painful procedures on these young patients are often not well prepared to handle anxious children. Having waited several hours for an often-uncertain treatment can further contribute to the stress and anxiety that children experience, further complicating treatment. However, the waiting period also presents an opportunity to assess, and if needed intervene, to counteract and reduce anxiety in the young patients before they are met by medical professionals. ...

Per Bækgaard

Vertigo Detection using Eye Tracking

Project Description Additional Reading The following thesis has been created as part of the project: Guðmundsdóttir, L.Ý.: Analysing Eye Movements for Patients with Acute Vertigo (MSc Thesis, 2024)

Per Bækgaard


Thesis Supervision NOTE: General information about picking a thesis subject and a supervisor is available on the Human-Centered AI page. If you are interested in doing a MSc (or in some cases, a BSc or BEng) thesis with me as supervisor, you’re welcome to contact me. I unfortunately need to prioritize projects that are closer to ongoing or budding research topics, in order to make sure I can allocate enough time for each student. However, you’re welcome to contact me with either a request for interesting projects (I always have some “on stock”; see e.g. the Research section) or an idea you may wish to discuss. In some cases I may refer you to a collegue that I think would be more suitable for your project. ...

Per Bækgaard

Tobii Eye Tracking

At the Human Lab at DTU Compute we use the Tobii 4C and the Tobii Fusion eye trackers (as well as a Tobii TX-300, which however comes with it’s own computer). Typically these are used as part of a custom setup where a program/script shows some stimuli and data is then simultaneously retrieved from the tracker – either directly via the same setup or as a parallel process that just collects data and stores it for later use. ...

Per Bækgaard