Word list
Finn Årup Nielsen
Neurobiology Research Unit,
Word list with short explaination in the areas of neuroinformatics and
- abundance matrix
- A data matrix
contains actual numbers of occurrences or proportions
[Kendall, 1971] according to
[Mardia et al., 1979, exercise 13.4.5].
- activation function
- The nonlinear
function in the output of the unit in a neural network. Can be a
threshold function, a piece-wise linear function or a sigmoidal
function, e.g., hyperbolic tangent or logistic sigmoid.
If the activation function is on the output of the neural network it
can be regarded as a link function.
- active learning
- 1: The same as focusing [MacKay, 1992b].
2: supervised learning [Haykin, 1994]
- adaptive principal components extraction
- APEX. Artificial neural
network structure with feed-forward and lateral connections to
compute principal components [Kung and Diamantaras, 1990].
- adjacency matrix
- A binary and square matrix
describing the
connections in a graph consisting of
- Akaike's Information criteria
- AIC. Also called ``information
criteria A''
is the number of parameters of the model.
- analysis of covariance
- A type of (univariate) analysis of
variance where some of the independent variables are
supplementary/non-interesting -- usually confounds/nuisance
variable -- and used to explain
variation in the dependent variable [Pearce, 1982].
- anti-Hebbian learning
- Modeling by employing a constraint.
- asymmetric divergence
- Equivalent to the relative entropy.
- author cocitation analysis
- Analysis of the data formed when a
(scientific) paper cites two different authors.
The performed with, e.g., cluster analysis
[McCain, 1990]. An overview of author cocitation analysis
is available in [Lunin and White, 1990].
- auto-association
- Modeling with the input the same as the
- backpropagation
- 1: The method to find the
(first-order) derivative of a multilayer neural network.
2: The method of adjusting (optimizing) the parameters in a multilayer
neural network.
- Bayes factor
- A ratio of evidences
(2) |
are hypotheses, models or
See, e.g., [Kass and Raftery, 1995] and attributed to Turing and
- Bayesian information criterion
- (BIC) Also called Schwarz
(Bayesian) (information) criterion (SBC)
- bias
- 1: A threshold unit in a neural network.
2: A models inability to model the true system.
3: The difference between the mean estimated model and
the true model. 4: The difference between the mean of an estimator and
the true value.
- bias-variance trade-off
- The compromise between the simplicity
of the model (which causes bias) and complexity (which causes
problems for estimation and results in variance) [Geman et al., 1992].
- binary matrix
- A matrix with elements as either one or zero.
Also called a (0,1)-matrix.
- bootstrap
- A resampling scheme that samples with replacement in
the sample, and it is useful to assess the accurary of an
estimate. See, e.g., [Zoubir and Boashash, 1998].
- Burt matrix
- A product matrix of an indicator matrix
[Burt, 1950] [Jackson, 1991, p. 225]:
- canonical correlation analysis
- A type of multivariate analysis.
- canonical variable analysis
- A set of different multivariate
- canonical variate analysis
- Canonical correlation
analysis for discrimination, i.e., with categorical variables.
- central moment
- k'th-order sample central moment
(5) |
- cluster
- 1: In SPM99 a region in a thresholded SPM which voxels
are connected. 2: In cluster analysis a set of voxels (or other
objects) assigned together and associated with a ``center''.
- cluster analysis
- An unsupervised method to group data points.
A specific method is K-means.
- clustering
- 1: The tendency of data points to be unequally
distributed in, e.g., space or time.
2: cluster analysis.
- coefficient of variance
- The standard deviation normalized by
the mean
coefficient of variance |
(6) |
Sometimes found with the abbreviations COV or CoV.
- cognition
- 1: Any mental process.
2: A mental process that is not sensor-motoric or emotional.
3: The process involved in knowing, or the act of
knowing (Encyclopaedia Britannica Online)
- complete likelihood
- (Complete-data likelihood)
The joint propability density of observed and unobserved variables
(7) |
is observed and
is hidden
(data/parameters) and
is the parameters.
- conditional (differential) entropy
(8) |
- conditional probability density function
(9) |
Here the probability density for
given y.
- confound
- (usual meaning) A nuisance variable that is correlated with the
variable of interest.
- conjugate prior
- (Also ``natural conjugate prior'') An
informative prior ``which have a functional form which integrates
naturally with data measurements, making the
inferences have an analytically convenient form''
[MacKay, 1995].
Used for regularization.
- consistent
- An estimator is consistent if the variance of the
estimate goes to zero as more data (objects) are gathered.
- contrast
- In (general) linear modeling: A vector
for a linear
combination of parameters that sum to zero.
Vectors associated with estimable linear combinations of the
parameters that do not sum to zero are sometimes also called --
against definition --
`contrasts' [Nichols, 2002].
- cost function
- The function that is optimized.
Can be developed via maximum likelihood from a distribution
assumption between the target and the model output.
Other names are Lyapunov function (dynamical systems),
energy function (physics),
Hamiltonian (statistical mechanics),
objective function (optimization theory),
fitness function (evolutionary biology).
[Hertz et al., 1991, page 21-22].
- cross-entropy
(10) |
Equivalent to the sum of the relative entropy and
the entropy (of the distribution the relative entropy is measured
with respect to).
Can also be regarded as the average negative log-likelihood, e.g.,
as a modeled density and
as the true
unknown density [Bishop, 1995, pages 58-59].
- cross-validation
- Empirical method to assess model performance,
where the data set is split in two: One set that is used to estimate
the parameters of the model and the other set that is used to
- data matrix
- A matrix
in which
-dimensional multivariate measurements are represented, see,
[Mardia et al., 1979, sec. 1.3].
- dependence
- In the statistical sense: If two
random variables are
dependent then one of the random variables convey information about
the value of the other.
While correlation is only related to the probability density
function with the two first moments,
dependency is related to all the moments.
- dependent variable
- The variable to be explained/predicted from
the independent variable. The output of the model.
Often denoted
- design matrix
- A matrix containing the ``independent'' variables
in a multivariate regression analysis.
- differential entropy
- Entropy for continuous distributions
(11) |
Often just called ``entropy''.
- directed divergence
- Equivalent to relative entropy according to
[Haykin, 1994].
- eigenimage
- An eigenvector associated with a principal component
from a principal component analysis that can be interpreted as an
image or volume.
- empirical Bayes
- Bayesian technique where the prior is specified
from the sample information
- entropy
- A measure for the information content or
degree of
- elliptic distribution / elliptically contour distribution
- A
family of distribution with elliptical contours.
![$\displaystyle p({\bf x}) = \vert{\boldsymbol \Sigma}\vert^{-1/2} \psi \left[ ({...
...mbol \mu})^{\sf T}{\boldsymbol \Sigma}^{-1} ({\bf x}-{\boldsymbol \mu}) \right]$](img27.png) |
(12) |
The distribution contains the Gaussian distribution, the
distribution, the contaminated normal,
multivariate Cauchy and multivariate logistic distribution
- estimation
- The procedure to find the model or the parameters of
the model. In the case or parameters: a single value for each
parameter in, e.g., maximum likelihood estimation, or a distribution
of the parameters in Bayesian technique.
- evidence
- The probability of the data given the
model or hyperparameters [MacKay, 1992a].
``Likelihood for hyperparameters'' or
``likelihood for models'', e.g.,
Found by integrating the parameters of the model
(13) |
This is the same as ``integrated likelihood'' or ``marginal
- expectation maximization
- A special group of optimization
methods for models with unobserved data [Dempster et al., 1977].
- explorative statistics
- Statistics with the aim of generating
hypotheses rather than testing hypothesis.
- feed-forward neural network
- A nonlinear model.
- finite impulse response (model)
- A linear model with a finite
number of input lags and a single output.
- fixed effect model
- Model where the parameters are not random
[Conradsen, 1984, section 5.2.2]. See also random effects model and mixed effects model.
- F-masking
- Reduction of the number of voxels analyzed using a
- Frobenius norm
- Scalar descriptor of a matrix
[Golub and Van Loan, 1996, equation 2.3.1].
The same as the square root of the sum of the singular values
[Golub and Van Loan, 1996, equation 2.5.7].
(14) |
- full width half maximum
- Used in specification of filter width,
related to the standard deviation for a Gaussian kernel by
(15) |
- functional integration
- The notion that brain region interact or
combine in solving a mental task.
Brain data in this connection is usually modeled with
multivariate statistical methods [Friston, 1997].
- functional segregation
- The issue in analyses of
brain data with univariate statistical methods [Friston, 1997].
- functional volumes modeling
- Meta-analysis in Talairach space,
-- a term coined in [Fox et al., 1997].
- Gauss-Newton (method)
- Newton-like optimization method that uses
the ``inner product'' Hessian.
- general linear hypothesis
- Hypotheses associated with the multivariate regression model of the
form [Mardia et al., 1979, section 6.3]
(16) |
In many case the the hypothesis is of a simple type
testing only for difference between the rows
(17) |
In the univariate case it becomes yet simpler
(18) |
- general linear model
- A type of multivariate regression
analysis, usually where the independent variables are a design
- generalized additive models
- A group of nonlinear models
proposed by [Hastie and Tibshirani, 1990]:
Each input variable is put through a non-linear function. All
transformed input variable is then used in a multivariate linear
regression, and usually with a logistic sigmoid function on the
output. In the notation of [Bishop, 1995]:
(19) |
- generalized inverse
- An ``inverse'' of a square or rectangular
denotes the generalized inverse of
then it
will satisfy some of the following Penrose equations
(Moore-Penrose conditions)
[Golub and Van Loan, 1996, section 5.5.4] and [Ben-Israel and Greville, 1980]:
denotes the conjugate, i.e., transposed matrix if
is real.
A matrix that satisfy all equations is uniquely determined and
called the Moore-Penrose inverse and (often) denoted as
- generalized least squares
- 1: Regression with correlated
(non-white) noise, thus were the noise covariance matrix is not
diagonal, see, e.g.,
[Mardia et al., 1979, section 6.6.2]. 2: The
Gauss-Newton optimization method.
- generalized linear model
- An ``almost'' linear model where the
output of the model has a link function for modeling
non-Gaussian distributed data.
- Good-Turing frequency estimation
- A type of regularized frequency
estimation [Good, 1953].
Often used in word frequency analysis [Gale and Sampson, 1995].
- Gram matrix
- A Gram matrix is Hermitian and constructed from a data matrix
-dimensional vectors
(24) |
i.e., the elements of the Gram matrix
are the
dot products between all possible vectors
- gyrification index
- An index for the degree of folding of the cortex
GI |
(25) |
There are no folding for
and folding for
- hard assignment
- Assignment of a data point to one (and only
one) specific component, e.g., cluster in cluster analysis or
mixture component in mixture modeling.
- Hebbian learning
- Estimation in a model where the magnitude of a
parameter is determined on how much it is ``used''.
- hemodynamic response function
- The coupling between neural
and vascular activity.
- heteroassociation
- Modeling where the input and output are
different, e.g., ordinary regression analysis.
- homogeneity
- Stationarity under translation.
- hyperparameter
- A parameter in a model that is used in the
estimation of the model but has no influence on the response of the
estimated model if changed.
An example of a hyperparameter is weight decay
- identification
- Estimation
- ill-posed
- A problem is ill-posed if the singular values of the
associated matrix gradually decay to zero
[Hansen, 1996], cf. rank deficient
- Imax
- Algorithms maximizing the mutual information (between
outputs) [Becker and Hinton, 1992].
- incidence matrix
- A binary matrix with size (nodes
[Mardia et al., 1979, p. 383]:
Also called indicator matrix.
- incomplete likelihood
- A marginal density marginalized over hidden data/parameters.
- indicator matrix
- A data matrix with elements one or zero
[Jackson, 1991, p. 224]:
- information criterion
- Includes Akaike's information criteria (AIC), Bayesian information
criterion (BIC), (Spiegelhalter's) Bayesian deviance information
criterion (DIC), ...
- inion
- The external occipital protuberance of the skull
(Webster). Used as marker in EEG. Opposite the nasion.
See also: nasion, peri-auri
- integrated likelihood
- The same as the evidence.
- International Consortium for Brain Mapping
- (Abbreviation: ICBM)
Group of research institutes.
They have developed a widely used brain template know as the ICBM or
MNI template.
- inversion
- In the framework of input-system-output: To find the
input from the system and the output.
- isotropy
- Stationarity under rotation.
- Karhunen-Lóeve transformation
- The same as principal
component analysis. The word is usually used in communication theory.
- kernel density estimation
- Also known as Parzen windows and
probabilistic neural network.
- K-means
- Cluster analysis algorithm with hard assignment.
- k-nearest neighbor
- A classification technique
- knowledge
- Information that has been placed in a context.
- Kullback-Leibler distance
- Equivalent to relative
- kurtosis
- Normalized fourth order central moment.
The univariate Fisher kurtosis
is defined as
(28) |
are the fourth and second central moment,
- latent class analysis
- Also called latent class decomposition.
A decomposition of a contingency table (multivariate categorical)
latent classes, see, e.g., [Hofmann, 2000].
The observed variables are often called manifest variables.
(29) |
- latent semantic indexing
- Also ``latent semantic analysis''. Truncated singular value decomposition
applied on a bag-of-words data matrix [Deerwester et al., 1990].
- lateral orthogonalization
- Update method (``anti-Hebbian
learning'') or connections between the units in the
same layer in a neural network
which impose orthogonality between the different units, i.e., a kind
of deflation technique.
Used for connectionistic variations of singular value decomposition,
principal component analysis and partial least squares among
others, see, e.g., [Hertz et al., 1991, pages 209-210] and
[Diamantaras and Kung, 1996, section 6.4].
- learning
- In the framework of input-system-output: To find the
system from (a set of) inputs and outputs.
In some uses the same as estimation and training.
- leave-one-out
- A cross-validation scheme where each data point
in turn is kept in the validation/test set while the rest is used
for training the model parameters.
- likelihood
- A function where the data is fixed and the
parameters are allowed to vary
(30) |
- link function
- A (usually monotonic) function on the output of a
linear model that is used in generalized linear models to model
non-Gaussian distributions.
- lix
- Number for the readability of a text [Björnsson, 1971].
- logistic (sigmoid) (function)
- A monotonic function used as a link function to convert a variable
in the range
to the range
suitable for
interpretation as a probability
(31) |
- manifold
- A non-linear subspace in a high dimensional space. A
hyperplane is an example on a linear manifold.
- Mann-Whitney test
- A non-parametric test for a translational
difference between to distributions by the application of a rank
transformation. Essentially the same as the Wilcoxon rank-sum test,
though another statistics is used: The `Mann-Whitney
- marginal likelihood
- The same as the evidence and the
``integrated likelihood''.
- marked point process
- A point process where each point has an extra attribute apart from
its location, e.g., a value for its magnitude.
- Markov chain Monte Carlo
- Sampling
technique in simulation and Bayesian statistics.
- mass-univariate statistics
- Univariate statistics when applied
to several variables.
- matching prior
- A prior in Bayesian statistics that is selected so posterior
credible sets resemble frequentist probabilities.
- maximal eigenvector
- The eigenvector associated with the largest
- maximum a posteriori
- Maximum likelihood estimation ``with prior''.
- maximum likelihood
- A statistical estimation principal with
optimization of the likelihood function
- m-estimation
- Robust statistics.
- Metropolis-Hasting algorithm
- Sampling technique for Markov
chain Monte Carlo. [Metropolis et al., 1953]
- mixed effects model
- Type of ANOVA that consists
of random and fixed effects
[Conradsen, 1984, section 5.3].
See also fixed effects model and random effects model.
- Moore-Penrose inverse
- A generalized inverse that satisfy all
of the ``Penrose equations'' and is uniquely defined
[Penrose, 1955].
- multiple regression analysis
- A type of multivariate regression
analysis where there is only one response variable (
- multivariate analysis
- Statistics with more than one variable is
each data set,
as opposed to univariate statistics.
- multivariate analysis of variance
- (MANOVA) Type of analysis of
variance with multiple measures for each `object' or experimental
One-way MANOVA can be formulated as
[Mardia et al., 1979, section 12.2]
(32) |
is observations (`responses' or `outcomes'),
is the general effect,
are the
condition effects and
is the noise often assumed
to be independent Gaussian distributed.
The most common test considers the difference in condition effect
(33) |
- multivariate regression analysis
- A type of linear multivariate analysis using the following model
(34) |
is an observed matrix and
is a known
is the parameters and
is the noise
The model is either called multivariate regression model (if
is observed) or general
linear model (if
is ``designed'').
[Mardia et al., 1979, chapter 6]
- multivariate regression model
- A type of multivariate
regression analysis where the known matrix (
) is observed.
- mutual information
- Originally called
``information rate'' [Shannon, 1948].
- nasion
- The bridge of the nose. Opposite the inion.
See also: inion, and periauricular points.
Used as reference point in EEG.
- neural network
- A model inspired by biological
neural networks.
- neurological convention
- Used in connection with transversal or
axial images of the brain to denote the left side of the image
is to the left side of the brain, - as opposed to the ``radiological
- non-informative prior
- A prior with little effect on the
posterior, e.g., an uniform prior or Jeffreys' prior.
Often improper, i.e., not normalizable.
- non-parametric (model/modeling)
- 1: A non-parametric model is a
model where the parameters do not have a direct physical meaning.
2: A model with no direct parameters. [Rasmussen and Ghahramani, 2001]:
[...] models which we do not necessarily know the roles played by
individual parameters, and inference is not primarily targeted at
the parameters themselves, but rather at the predictions made by
the models
- novelty
- ``Outlierness''. How ``surprising'' an object is.
- nuisance
- a variable of no interest in the modeling that
makes the estimation of the variable of interest more difficult.
See also confound.
- object
- A single ``data point'' or ``example''.
A single instance of an observation of one or more variables.
- optimization
- Used to find the point estimate of a
parameter. ``Optimization'' is usually used when the estimation requires
iterative parameter estimation, e.g., in connection with nonlinear
- ordination
- The same as multidimensional scaling.
- orthogonal
- For matrices: Unitary matrix with no
correlation among the (either column or row) vectors.
- orthonormal
- For matrices: Unitary matrix with no correlation
among the (either column or row) vectors.
- pairwise interaction point process
- A spatial point process that is a specialization of the Gibbsian
point process [Ripley, 1988, page 50]
- partial least squares (regression)
- Multivariate analysis
technique usually with multiple response variables
[Wold, 1975]. Much used in chemometrics.
- Parzen window
- A type of probability density function model
[Parzen, 1962] where a window (a kernel) is placed at
every object. The name is used in the pattern recognition
literature and more commonly known as kernel density estimation.
- penalized discriminant analysis
- (Linear) discriminant analysis
with regularization.
- perceptron
- A (multilayer) feed-forward neural network
[Rosenblatt, 1962].
- periauricular
- See also: nasion, inion
- periodogram
- The power spectrum
of a finite signal
is the complex frequency spectrum and
The term is also use for the power spectrum of a
rectangular-windowed signal.
- polysemy
- The notion of a single word having several meanings.
The opposite of synonymy.
- preliminary principal component analysis
- Principal component
analysis made prior to a supervised modeling, e.g., an artificial
neural network analysis or canonical variate analysis.
- prediction
- In the framework input-system-output: To find the
output from the input and system.
- principal component analysis
- (PCA) An unsupervised multivariate
analysis that identifies an orthogonal transformation and remaps
objects to a new subspace with the transformation
[Pearson, 1901], [Mardia et al., 1979, page 217].
(43) |
An individual elemenent in
is called a score. The
column in
is called the
'th principal component.
- principal component regression
- Regularized regression by
principal component analysis [Massy, 1965].
- principal coordinate analysis
- A method in multidimensional
scaling. Similar to principal component analysis on a distance
matrix if the distance measure is Euclidean
[Mardia et al., 1979, section 14.3].
- principal covariate regression
- Multivariate analysis technique
[de Jong and Kiers, 1992].
- principal manifold
- Generalization of principal
curves, a non-linear version of principal component analysis.
[DeMers and Cottrell, 1993]
- prior
- Distribution of parameters before observations have been made. Types
of priors are: uniform, non-informative, Jeffrey's, reference, matching,
informative, (natural) conjugate.
- probabilistic neural network
- A term used to denote kernel density
estimation [Specht, 1990].
- probabilistic principal component analysis
- Principal component
analysis with modeling of a isotropic noise
[Tipping and Bishop, 1997]. The same as sensible principal
component analysis.
- profile likelihood
- A likelihood where some of the variables -- e.g., nuisance variables
-- are maximized [Berger et al., 1999, equation 2]
(44) |
- radiological convention
- Used in connection with transversal or
axial images of the brain to denote the right side of the image
is to the left side of the brain, - as opposed to the ``neurological
- random effects model
- Type of ANOVA where the parameters (on
the ``first'' level'') are regarded as random
[Conradsen, 1984, section 5.2.3]. See also fixed
effects model and mixed effects model.
- rank
- The size of a subspace span by the vectors in a matrix
- rank deficient
- A matrix is said to be rank deficient if there
is a well-defined gap between large and small singular values
[Hansen, 1996], cf. ill-posed.
- regularization
- The method of stabilizing the model estimation.
- relative entropy
- A distance measure between two distributions
[Kullback and Leibler, 1951].
(45) |
Other names are cross-entropy,
Kullback-Leibler distance (or information criterion), asymetric
divergence, directed divergence.
- responsibility
- In cluster analysis and mixture modeling the
weight of assignment to a particular cluster
for a specific data
With probabilistic modelling this can be interpreted as a posterior
(46) |
- restricted canonical correlation analysis
- (RCC) Canonical
correlation analysis with restriction on the parameters, e.g.,
non-negativity [Das and Sen, 1994,Das and Sen, 1996].
- robust statistics
- Statistics designed to cope with outliers.
- run
- A part of an experiment consisting of several measurements,
e.g., several scans. The measurements in a run is typically done
with a fixed frequency. Multiple runs can be part of a session and a
run might consist of one or more trials or events.
- saliency map
- A map of which inputs are important for predicting
the output.
- saturation recovery
- Type of MR pulse sequence.
- self-organizing learning
- The same as unsupervised learning
- sensible principal component analysis
- Principal component
analysis with modeling of an isotropic noise
[Roweis, 1998]. The same as probabilistic
principal component analysis [Tipping and Bishop, 1997]
- session
- A part of the experiment: An experiment might consists
of multiple sessions with multiple subjects and every session
contain one or more runs.
- sigmoidal
- S-shaped. Often used in connection about the
non-linear function in an artificial neural network.
- skewness
- The left/right asymmetry of a distribution.
The usual definition is
(47) |
are the third and second central moment.
Multivariate skewness can be defined as
[Mardia et al., 1979, p. 21, 148+]
- slice timing correction
- In fMRI: Correction for the difference
in sampling between slices in a scan.
Slices can acquired interleaved/non-interleaved and
- softmax
- A vector function that is a generalization of the
logistic sigmoid activation function suitable to transform the
variables in a vector from the interval
so they can be used as probabilities [Bridle, 1990]
(50) |
- sparseness
- The sparseness of the matrix is the number of
non-zero elements to the total number of elements.
Another definition is a function of the
[Hoyer, 2004, p. 1460]
(51) |
- spatial independent component analysis
- Type of independent
component analysis in functional neuroimaging
[Petersson et al., 1999]. See also temporal component analysis.
- statistic
- A value extracted from a data set, such as the
empirical mean or the empirical variance.
- statistical parametric images
- A term used by Peter T. Fox et
al. to denote the images that are formed by statistical
analysis of functional neuroimages.
- statistical parametric mapping
- The process of getting
statistical parametric maps: Sometimes just denoting voxel-wise
t-tests, other times ANCOVA GLM modeling with random fields modeling,
and sometimes also including the preprocessing: realignment, spatial
normalization, filtering, ...
- statistical parametric maps
- A term used by Karl J. Friston and
others to denote the images that are formed by statistical
analysis of functional neuroimages, especially those formed from the
program SPM.
- subgaussian
- A distribution with negative kurtosis, e.g., the
-uniform distribution. Also called
- sufficient
- A statistics (function)
sufficient if it is ``enough'' to estimate the parameters of the
model ``well'', -- or more specifically: Enough to described the
likelihood function within a scaling factor.
The likelihood can then be factorized:
(52) |
- supergaussian
- A distribution with positive kurtosis, i.e., a
heavy-tailed distribution such as the Laplace distribution.
Also called `leptokurtic'.
- supervised (learning/pattern recognition)
- Estimation of a model
to estimate a ``target'', e.g., classification (the target is the
class label) or regression (the target is the dependent variable)
estimation with labeled data.
- synonymy
- The notion that several words have the same meaning.
The opposite of polysemy.
- system
- The part of the physical world under
investigation. Interacts with
the environment through input and output.
- system identification
- In the framework of input-system-output:
To find the system from (a set of) inputs and outputs.
The same as learning, although system identification
usually refers to parametric learning.
- temporal independent component analysis
- Type of independent
component in functional neuroimaging
[Petersson et al., 1999].
See also spatial independent component analysis
- test set
- Part of a data set used to test the performance (fit)
of a model. If the estimate should be unbiased the test set should
be independent of the training and validation set.
- time-activity curve
- The curve generated in connection with
dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) images
- total least square
- Multivariate analysis estimation technique
- training
- Term used in connection with neural networks to denote
parameter estimation (parameter optimization). Sometimes called
- training set
- Part of a data set used to fit the parameters of the
model (not the hyperparameters). See also test and validation set.
- trial
- An element of a psychological experiment usually
consisting of a stimulus and a response.
- truncated singular valued decomposition
- Singular value
decomposition of a matrix
where only a number
of components, say
, are maintained
(53) |
where the diagonal
The truncated SVD matrix is the
-ranked matrix with minimum
2-norm and Frobenius norm of the difference between all
matrices and
- univariate statistics
- Statistics with only one response variable, as
opposed to multivariate analysis.
- unsupervised learning
- Learning with only one set of data, --
there is no target involved.
Cluster analysis and principal component analysis is usually regarded as
- variational Bayes
- An extension of the EM algorithm were both the hidden variables and
the parameters are associated with probability density functions
(likelihood and posteriors).
With observed
, hidden
and parameters
(54) |
- voxel
- A 3-dimensional pixel. The smallest picture element in a
volumetric image.
- validation set
- Part of a data set used to tune
- vector space model
- In information retrieval: Representation of
a document as a vector where each element is (usually) associated
with a word [Salton et al., 1975].
The same as the bag-of-words representation.
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- E.g., the model parameters of a neural network.
- white noise
- Noise that is independent (in the time dimension).
- z-score
- Also called ``standard score'' and denotes a random
variable transformed so the mean is zero and the standard
deviation is one. For a normal distributed random variable the
transformation is:
(55) |
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