Student |
Project title |
Other supervisors |
Partner |
Year |
PhD projects |
Dipanjana Saha |
Métrologie de l'apparence — Characterization of material surfaces using a multiscale approach based on BRDF measurement |
Gaël Obein |
2024 |
6. (11.) |
Riccardo Tonello |
3D printing control for surface appearance features |
David Bue Pedersen and Are Strandlie |
DTU Construct and NTNU |
2024 |
(10.) |
Arthur Firmino |
Improving error estimation and convergence for Monte Carlo denoising algorithms |
Henrik Wann Jensen |
KeyShot and UCSD Center for Visual Computing |
2024 |
(9.) |
Alina Pranovich |
Modelling appearance printing: Acquisition and digital reproduction of translucent and goniochromatic materials |
Daniel Nyström, Sasan Gooran, and Sergiy Valyukh |
Linköping University |
2024 |
(8.) |
Mark Bo Jensen |
Virtual reality-based visualization of large geometric data |
Andreas Bærentzen |
TopOpt and UofT |
2022 |
5. (7.) |
Mads Emil Brix Doest |
Instrumentation for estimating surface radiometry |
Søren K. S. Gregersen and Claus B. Madsen |
2021 |
4. (6.) |
Viggo Falster |
Multi-scale radiative transfer simulation for the scattering of light by microgeometry |
Jannik Boll Nielsen and Henrik Aanæs |
UniZar Graphics and Imaging Lab |
2020 |
3. (5.) |
Morten Hannemose |
Differentiable formulations for inverse rendering |
Jakob Wilm |
SDU and Cornell Tech |
2020 |
(4.) |
Matteo Busi |
Enhanced security screening using spectral X-ray imaging |
Kristoffer Haldrup, Ulrik Lund Olsen, and Erik Bergbäck Knudsen |
DTU Physics |
2019 |
2. (3.) |
Andrea Luongo |
Predicting and 3D printing material appearance |
Henrik Aanæs |
DTU Mechanical Engineering |
2019 |
1. (2.) |
Alessandro Dal Corso |
Towards interactive photorealistic rendering |
Andreas Bærentzen |
NVIDIA and UTokyo |
2018 |
(1.) |
Jannik Boll Nielsen |
On practical sampling of bidirectional reflectance |
Henrik Aanæs and Knut Conradsen |
UCSD Center for Visual Computing |
2016 |
MSc(Eng) projects |
Yang Xu |
Software rasterization with vertex data compression |
Mark Bo Jensen |
2024 |
60. |
Herborg Kristoffersen |
User experience design for AI-generated feedback in computer-assisted pronunciation training |
Siavash Bigdeli |
2024 |
59. |
Naglis Naslenas |
Rendering granular materials at the mesoscopic scale |
Jakob Gath |
Playdead |
2024 |
58. |
Jiaqi Wu |
Generating an object shape with assigned materials from text |
Andreas Bærentzen and Arthur Firmino |
KeyShot |
2024 |
57. |
Rasmus Ishøy Michelsen |
Production ready denoising-aware adaptive ray tracing on the GPU |
Arthur Firmino and Henrik Wann Jensen |
KeyShot |
2024 |
56. |
Kristian Knudsen |
Real-time linelight shading and shadowing |
Mikkel Gjøl and Jakob Gath |
Playdead |
2024 |
55. |
Adrienne Cohrt |
Visualization of chemical processes in cancer vaccines |
Cecilia Romanò and Mads Hartvig Clausen |
DTU Chemistry |
2023 |
54. |
Thomas Conrad |
Many lights sampling methods for real-time rendering of subsurface scattering |
2023 |
53. |
Ruijie Ren |
Tomographic 3D printing with a feedback loop based on shadowgraphy |
Yi Yang |
DTU Chemistry |
2023 |
52. |
Mark Christoffer Madsen |
Analysis of light path tracing in microgeometry |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2023 |
51. |
Chuqian Zhou |
Acquiring the shape of an opaque object embedded in a refractive object |
Andreas Bærentzen, François Lauze, and Robin Bruneau |
2023 |
50. |
Kengjian Lin |
Cloth rendering based on weave pattern textures |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2023 |
49. |
Henning Munch Ribjerg and Patrick Alexander Nielsen |
Creating outdoor 3D scenes using machine learning and procedural generation |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2022 |
48. |
Nynne Kajs |
rendering of granular materials [lowres pdf] |
Mikkel Gjøl, Jakob Gath, and Andreas Bærentzen |
Playdead |
2022 |
47. |
Vice Rončević |
Measuring instrument calibration using precision manufactured reference object and development of a metrological machine learning software framework |
Matteo Calaon, Guido Tosello, Leonardo De Chiffre, and Mirvais Yousefi |
DTU Mechanical Engineering and LuxC |
2021 |
46. |
Oscar Rindel Peulicke |
Designing 3D structures using ensembles of virtual micro robots |
Andreas Bærentzen and Niels Aage |
DTU Mechanical Engineering |
2021 |
45. |
Tobias Skov Pedersen |
High performance computing for evaluating volume massing designs |
Ryan Hughes and Steffen Petersen |
SHL architects and AU |
2021 |
44. |
Sushruth Bangre |
Development of deep learning methods for unsupervised screening of visual defects |
Otto Abildgaard and Søren K. S. Gregersen |
2021 |
43. |
Jesper Rask Lykke and August Birk Olsen |
Physically-based modelling and rendering of objects imbued with microscale geometry |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2021 |
42. |
Magnus Peter Eilersen |
Human centered 3D modelling in virtual reality |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2021 |
41. |
Arne Kratz |
Importance sampling for subsurface scattering of light |
2021 |
40. |
Malthe Haulund Elkær |
Use of 360 degree video in virtual reality for image-based environment lighting |
2021 |
39. |
Mathias Gammelmark |
Light source importance sampling |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2020 |
38. |
Michael Atchapero |
Annotation in virtual reality |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2020 |
37. |
Egill Ingi Jacobsen |
GPU ray tracing for virtual reality |
Jesper Mosegaard and Henrik Wann Jensen |
Luxion |
2020 |
36. |
Guðni Fannar Kristjánsson |
Learning based temporal stability in rendering |
2020 |
35. |
Alexander Kaas |
Demonstrating extraterrestrial gravitational fields using virtual reality |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2019 |
34. |
Lars Kofod Jensen |
Virtual reality-based interactive 3D modeling using signifiers |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2019 |
33. |
Ingimar Andersen and Troels Kjeldsen Kristensen |
Development of a hyperspectral projection system |
Søren K. S. Gregersen and Eythor Eiriksson |
DTU Mechanical Engineering |
2019 |
32. |
Rasmus Kibsgaard Riehn-Kristensen |
Tangibility in virtual reality interfaces |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2019 |
31. |
Emil Imbert Villumsen |
Unidirectional path tracing with ray differentials |
Per Christensen |
Pixar |
2019 |
30. |
Mathias Andersen Lausen |
Virtual product placement and digital redesign |
2018 |
29. |
Kim Harder Fog |
Noise-based texture synthesis by analysis of image examples |
Jannik Boll Nielsen |
2017 |
28. |
Ronny Elvin Mathiasen |
Microfacet model for rendering both smooth and rough surfaces |
2017 |
27. |
Mads Brix Doest |
Robot based BRDF measurement system |
Jannik Boll Nielsen and Henrik Aanæs |
2017 |
26. |
Riccardo Loggini |
Displacement mapping in deferred shading: Parallax shadows in tessellation displacement |
2017 |
25. |
Peter Bay Bastian |
Efficient use of spatial data structures in GPU shaders |
Timothy Cooper |
Unity Technologies |
2017 |
24. |
Marek Dejak |
Real time shadows from area lights in WebGL |
2017 |
23. |
Johan Stæhr Brodersen and Thue Gram-Hansen |
Virtual pre-training |
Ronen Hadar and Andreas Bærentzen |
2016 |
22. |
Andrea Luongo |
Scattering of photon differentials in realistic rendering of volumes |
2015 |
21. |
Steven Jeffrey Otto |
Separating absorption and scattering properties using reflectance-transmittance images |
Flemming Møller |
DuPont - Danisco |
2015 |
20. |
Frederik Peter Aalund |
Real-time rendering using layered depth maps |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2015 |
19. |
Kim Gad Thomsen |
GPU spatial hashing in photon mapping |
2014 |
18. |
Christian Viggo Larsen and Tobias Grønbeck Andersen |
Fur modelling and rendering: a hybrid approach |
Niels Jørgen Christensen |
2014 |
17. |
Alessandro Dal Corso |
Real-time rendering of translucent materials with directional subsurface scattering |
2014 |
16. |
Valdis Vilcans |
GPU-based global illumination: vertex connection and merging using OptiX |
2014 |
15. |
Martin Henriksen Rogne |
Real-time rendering of glossy materials |
Niels Jørgen Christensen |
2014 |
14. |
Anders Schou |
Optimal Triangulation of trimmed NURBS surfaces for numerical ship hydrodynamics |
Peter Schjeldahl and Jens Gravesen |
FORCE Technology |
2014 |
13. |
Frederik Østerbye |
GPU-based analysis of genome-wide data |
Gert L. Møller and Peter Falster |
GenoKey |
2013 |
12. |
Veselin Mihaylov |
Rendering metals and worn or weathered metallic objects |
Niels Jørgen Christensen |
2013 |
11. |
Jakob Udsholt |
Real-time rendering of procedurally generated volumetric models |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2013 |
10. |
Elvar Örn Unnthorsson |
Rendering lava |
Niels Jørgen Christensen |
2013 |
9. |
Martin Skytte Kristensen |
Rendering of navigation lights |
Peter Schjeldahl |
FORCE Technology |
2012 |
8. |
Lukasz Jaroslaw Tomczak |
GPU ray marching of distance fields |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2012 |
7. |
Mircea Costin Rohat |
Real-time rendering of translucent materials |
2012 |
6. |
Meletis Stathis |
Fur rendering |
2012 |
5. |
Christian Thode Larsen |
Modelling and rendering of teeth: a study in sub surface scattering |
Andreas Bærentzen, Peter Dahl Jensen, and Allan Engsig-Karup |
3Shape |
2011 |
4. |
Morten Gorm Madsen |
Acceleration of a non-linear water wave model using a GPU |
Allan Engsig-Karup and Bernd Dammann |
2010 |
3. |
Edvald Ingi Gislason |
Radiative transfer in reflection nebulae |
Niels Jørgen Christensen |
DTU Space |
2010 |
2. |
Michal Biskup |
GPU-based acceleration of a water wave model |
Allan Engsig-Karup and Bernd Dammann |
2010 |
1. |
David Flenstrup |
Abstracting code specific concepts to a graphical representation by pattern matching and refactoring |
Peter Falster and Jesper Kiehn |
Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen (MDCC) |
2009 |
BSc(Eng) projects |
Valdemar Friis |
Multiple scattering models for rendering rough surfaces |
2024 |
39. |
Bence Gattyan |
Real-time visualization of micro-CT scans |
2024 |
38. |
Lukas Kofoed Petersen |
Interactive spatiotemporal simulation of reverberation |
2023 |
37. |
Roneet Vijay Nagale |
Neural representation of object appearance |
Morten Rieger Hannemose and Thomson TG |
2023 |
36. |
Emilie Primdahl Thaulow |
Photorealism of shaders for physically based rendering |
2023 |
35. |
Max Heiberg Bestle, Jacob Melchior Hansen, and Andreas Kanneworff |
Visualizing multibeam SONAR point cloud data using Unity |
Harvey Stoelinga |
Teledyne Marine |
2022 |
34. |
Rasmus Ishøy Michelsen |
A hybrid framework for real-time ray tracing and rasterization |
2021 |
33. |
Anne-Marie Kielbasa Jensen and Emil Siim Larsen |
Quality assessment of decorations printed on injection moulded parts |
Otto Abildgaard and Morten Hannemose |
2021 |
32. |
Thomas Conrad |
Digital mapping of product decorations to 3D surfaces for prototyping and computer vision |
Otto Abildgaard |
2021 |
31. |
Rasmus Borstrøm |
Real-time procedural generation of terrain with unlimited extent |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2020 |
30. |
Jesper Rask Lykke and August Birk Olsen |
Interaction Design for Virtual Reality |
2018 |
29. |
Mark Bo Jensen |
Computer graphics rendering of materials |
Niels Jørgen Christensen |
2017 |
28. |
Linda Skovmand |
Procedural modellering af regulære strukturer |
2017 |
27. |
Alexander Kaas |
Engineering of an online game for learning elementary mathematics |
Erik Ottar Jensen and Niels Jørgen Christensen |
Skolen ved Bülowsvej |
2016 |
23.-26. |
5 authors, 4 theses |
Learning game with a tangible user interface |
Erik Ottar Jensen and Niels Jørgen Christensen |
Skolen ved Bülowsvej |
2016 |
22. |
Jonas Høiberg Nielsen |
Interactive Global Illumination |
Niels Jørgen Christensen |
2016 |
16.-21. |
10 authors, 6 theses |
Online games for learning elementary mathematics |
Erik Ottar Jensen and Niels Jørgen Christensen |
Frederiksberg kommune |
2015 |
11.-15. |
8 authors, 5 theses |
Games to assist the learning of elementary mathematics |
Erik Ottar Jensen and Niels Jørgen Christensen |
Skolen ved Bülowsvej |
2014 |
10. |
Anders Wessberg and Benjamin Maksuti |
Multiplayer spil applikationsudvikling for mobile enheder |
Niels Jørgen Christensen |
2014 |
9. |
Kevin Voss Sjøbeck and Thomas Wix |
Applications to assist industrial safety management |
Peter Rosendahl |
2014 |
8. |
Johan Stæhr Brodersen and Thue Gram-Hansen |
Engineering of an interactive game for teaching elementary mathematics |
Erik Ottar Jensen and Niels Jørgen Christensen |
Skolen ved Bülowsvej |
2014 |
3.-7. |
7 authors, 5 theses |
Games for teaching mathematics in elementary school |
Erik Ottar Jensen, Niels Jørgen Christensen, and Michael Rose |
Skolen ved Bülowsvej |
2013 |
2. |
Steen Hørsholt and Ronny Elvin Mathiasen |
Procedural content generation |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2013 |
1. |
Anders Schou |
Investigation of light pipe simulation algorithms |
Nicolas Roy |
2012 |
BEng projects |
Michael Lund Jarberg |
Real-time rendering with many lights |
2022 |
3. |
Nicolai Blumensaat Kragh |
Interactive annotation of streamed adaptive dense point clouds |
Anders Bo Sørensen |
Dalux |
2022 |
2. |
Emily Skovgaard Rasmussen |
Modelling and analysis of defects in the surface appearance of manufactured items |
Otto Abildgaard |
2020 |
1. |
Kristian Lynge Hansen |
Web graphics software development for games |
2014 |
Special courses |
1 participant |
Learning-based modelling of the appearance of physical objects |
2024 |
1 participant |
Rendering of light-scattering volumes |
2024 |
1 participant |
Predictive rendering in manufacture and engineering |
2024 |
1 participant |
Real-time visual and machine learning systems |
Anders Bo Sørensen |
2024 |
1 participant |
Scattering models for rendering translucent objects with a rough surface |
2023 |
1 participant |
Comparative visualization |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2022 |
1 participant |
Tomographic 3D printing |
Yi Yang |
DTU Chemistry |
2022 |
19 participants |
Graphics Lab F22 |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2022 |
10 participants |
Graphics Lab F21 |
Andreas Bærentzen |
2021 |
1 participant |
Influence of surface roughness and polygon mesh filtering on dimensional measurements in computed tomography |
Leonardo De Chiffre, Kamran Mohaghegh, and Guido Tosello |
Metrologic |
2020 |
1 participant |
Advanced methods for differentiable pose estimation |
2020 |
1 participant |
Multiple scattering of light: influence on 3D scanning of translucent objects |
Søren Kimmer Schou Gregersen |
2019 |
1 participant |
Spectral 3D scanning of translucent objects |
Søren Kimmer Schou Gregersen |
2019 |
1 participant |
Rendering scenes with difficult specular paths |
2019 |
1 participant |
Advanced rendering with a GPU ray tracer |
2018 |
1 participant |
Computer vision |
2018 |
1 participant |
Volume rendering of particulate materials |
2018 |
1 participant |
3D scanning of a building using a mobile device |
Bent Dalgaard Larsen and Andreas Bærentzen |
Dalux |
2018 |
1 participant |
Web graphics: from OpenGL to WebGL |
Niels Jørgen Christensen |
2015 |
1 participant |
Modeling and rendering of quasi-homogeneous materials |
2015 |
2 participants |
Child-computer interaction and agile development of learning games |
Erik Ottar Jensen |
Frederiksberg kommune |
2015 |
1 participant |
Rendering of subsurface scattering using GPU ray tracing |
2014 |
4 participants |
Edutainment game development and child-computer interaction |
Erik Ottar Jensen |
Skolen ved Bülowsvej |
2014 |
2 participants |
Merging of trimmed NURBS surfaces |
Peter Schjeldahl and Jens Gravesen |
FORCE Technology |
2014 |
2 participants |
Edutainment game development and child-computer interaction |
Erik Ottar Jensen |
Skolen ved Bülowsvej |
2013 |
2 participants |
Real-time atmospheric rendering |
Niels Jørgen Christensen |
2010 |
2 participants |
High efficiency data processing using CUDA |
Niels Jørgen Christensen |
2009 |