CV for Per Christian Hansen


I have worked with numerical regularization methods for 30 years, have published 100+ papers in leading journals, and my books on numerical methods for inverse problems are widely used.

I have also developed several related software packages, of which Regularization Tools is a popular toolbox for analysis and solution of discrete inverse problems. More recent packages area AIR Tools II with algebraic iterative reonstruction methods, and IR Tools with iterative regularization methods and test problems.

My h-index is 56 according to Google Scholar (July 2024) and I am a SIAM Fellow.


Numerical analysis. Computational methods for inverse problems, imaging, and tomography. Matrix computations and iterative regularization methods. Subspace methods in regularization and signal processing. High-performance scientific computing. Computational uncertainty quantification.


  • 5 books (2 as sole author)

  • 1 edited book (with B. H. Jacobsen and K. Mosegaard)

  • 3 invited chapters (one in Handbook of Linear Algebra and two in research monographs)

  • 122 papers in refereed journals

  • 58 conference papers etc.

  • 7 software packages

Academic Degrees

  • 1996 Doctor Technices (dr.techn.) in Scientific Computing, DTU

  • 1985 PhD in Numerical Analysis, DTU

  • 1982 MSc in Electrical Engineering, DTU


  • Since 1996 Professor of Scientific Computing, DTU Compute

  • 1988–1996 Senior Consultant, Danish University Computing Center, UNIC

  • 1985–1988 Research Associate, Astronomical Observatory, Copenhagen University

  • 1985 Research Fellow, Department of Numerical Analysis, DTU

Research Visits Abroad

  • 2020 2 weeks, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, supported by JSPS

  • 2006 1 month, Dept. of Mathematics, Tufts University, Medford

  • 2004 1 month, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emory University, Atlanta

  • 1992 1 month, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Berkeley, California

  • 1990 1 month, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory

  • 1989 7 months, Dept. of Mathematics, UCLA

  • 1988 1 month, Dept. of Mathematics, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee

  • 1986 6 months, Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford University, supported by a Fulbright Grant

Scientific Awards

  • 2015 SIAM Fellow in recognition of contributions to computational methods for rank-deficient and discrete ill-posed problems and regularization techniques

  • 2005 ISI Web of Knowledge award as most cited Danish mathematician

  • 1994 Statoil Prize in recognition of his work in numerical analysis

  • 1990 BIT Prize for distinguished paper on numerical analysis in BIT Numerical Mathematics

  • 1986 Fulbright Grant to visit Stanford University

Current and Recent Funding

  • VILLUM FONDEN: Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse Problems (2019–2025)

  • European Research Council: High-Definition Tomography (2012–2017)

  • Danish Research Council: Improved Impedance Tomography via Hybrid Data (2014–2018)

  • Innovation Fund Denmark: Nano-Scale Design Tools for the Semi-Conductor Industry (2013–2016)

  • EuroTech COFUND Postdoc: Bart van Lith (2018-2020)

  • H.C. Ørsted COFUND Postdoc: Jürgen Frikel (2015–2017)

  • Otto Mønsted Fonden: Visiting professors Todd Quinto (2016) and Bill Lionheart (2013)

Postdoc Supervision

  • Amal M. A. Alghamdi (2021–2024)

  • Babak Maboudi Afkham (2020–2024)

  • Felipe Uribe (2020–2022)

  • Bart van Lith (2018–2020)

  • Jakob Sauer Jørgensen (2013–2017)

  • Hans Martin Kjer (2016–2017)

  • Jürgen Frikel (2015–2017)

  • Lauri Harhanen (2015–2017)

  • Martin S. Andersen (2012–2014)

  • Fabrice Delbary (2010–2012)

  • Hans Henrik B. Sørensen (2009–2012)

PhD Students

Current: Lara Baalbaki (Bayesian inference for inverse problems with sampling conditioned on functionals).

Former: Susanne M. Balle (1995), Søren Holdt Jensen (1995), Peter Søren K. Hansen (1998), Ole Møller Nielsen (1998), Rasmus Munk Larsen (1998), Tim Hultberg (2000), Andreas P. Schuhmacher (2000), Preben Kidmose (2001), Ann-Charlotte Berglund (2002), Thorkild F. Pedersen (2003), Michael Jacobsen (2004), Jan M. Rasmussen (2004), Esben Høgh-Rasmussen (2006), Toke Koldborg Jensen (2006), Peter Søndergaard (2007), Hans Henrik B. Sørensen (2008), Jesper Rasmussen (2009), Jakob Sauer Jørgensen (2013), Anders Skajaa (2013), Oscar Borries (2015), Sara Soltani (2015), Mikhail Romanov (2016), Hari Om Aggrawal (2017), Nicolai A. B. Riis (2021), Katrine Ottesen Bangsgaard (2023), Kristoffer Linder-Steinlein (2024).