Curriculum Vitae — Tobias K. S. Ritschel
Personal information
- Name
Tobias Kasper Skovborg Ritschel
- Nationality
- Date of birth
July 30th, 1991
- Gender
- 2022–present: Assistant Professor (tenure track)
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark
- 2021–2022: Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark
- 2020–2021: Postdoctoral Researcher
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
- 2019: Scientific Computing Engineer
2-control ApS
Research projects (15)
AI-EFFECT (task leader) - Artificial Intelligence Experimentation Facility for the Energy Sector
CANSI (contribute research) - Cross Atlantic Network on System Integration
PWtM-Flex (principal investigator) - Flexible operation of plastic waste-to-methanol plants using next-generation electrolyzers
GreenTwins (supervise PhD candidate)
PtXMarkets (supervise PhD candidate)
PtX Sector Coupling and LCA (supervise PhD candidate)
syn.ikia (contribute research)
ELEXIA (contribute research)
PtX Risø project with SemperCycle ApS (contribute research and supervise PostDoc)
ReliaBlade (supervise PostDoc)
Flexible Energy Denmark
ADAPT-T2D (PostDoc) - Adherence through Cloud-based Personalized Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes
KONSENS (PostDoc) - Konsistente Optimierung und Stabilisierung Elektrischer Netzwerksysteme/Consistent Optimization and Stabilization of Electrical Power Grids
COCOP (Scientific Computing Engineer) - Coordinating Optimisation of Complex Industrial Processes
OPTION (PhD Student) - Optimizing Oil Production by Novel Technology Integration
Organizational appointments and volunteering
Associate Editor for the 10th IEEE International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, 2024 (CoDIT’24)
Co-chair of the regular session on Delay Systems (WeC1), European Control Conference, 2025 (ECC’25)
Co-chair of the regular session on Computational Methods in Control (FrB1), European Control Conference, 2023 (ECC’23)
Volunteer at the 2nd IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, 2018 (CCTA’18)
Review activities (46)
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization: 1 review
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (TAC): 3 reviews
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (TCST): 5 reviews
IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS): 2 reviews
European Journal of Control: 1 review
Results in Control and Optimization (Elsevier): 1 review
Computational and Applied Mathematics (Springer): 1 review
Applied Mathematics and Computation (Elsevier): 2 reviews
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (Elsevier): 1 review
Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems (De Gruyter): 1 review
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (Elsevier): 3 reviews
SPE Journal: 1 review
IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Conferences: 4 reviews
IFAC Conferences: 11 reviews
European Control Conference (ECC): 9 reviews
Other activities
Moderator of the PhD defense of Zhanhao Zhang, September 16, 2024.
Moderator of the PhD defense of Marcus Krogh Nielsen, June 23, 2023.
Moderator of the PhD defense of Christian Thilker Ankerstjerne, June 22, 2023.
Moderator of the PhD defense of Hjörleifur G. Bergsteinsson, April 18, 2023.
Moderator of the PhD defense of Maksim Mazuryn, January 30, 2023.
- 2015–2018: PhD in Applied Mathematics
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark
PhD Thesis: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Oil Reservoirs
- 2013–2015: MSc in Mathematical Modeling and Computation
Technical University of Denmark
MSc Thesis: High-Performance Computing for PDE Constrained Optimization in Oil Reservoirs Management
- 2010–2013: BSc in Mathematics and Technology
Technical University of Denmark
BSc Thesis: Numerical Methods For Solution of Differential Equations
- 2007–2010: Technical High School
Frederiksberg Technical High School
A-level in mathematics and physics