Journal publications (18)

In preparation/submission (4)

Ritschel, T.K.S., Wyller, J., 2024. An Algorithm for Distributed Time Delay Identification based on a Mixed Erlang Kernel Approximation and the Linear Chain Trick. arXiv: 2405.07328. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16395.50728. In submission.

Ritschel, T.K.S., Reenberg, A.T., Carstensen, P.E., Bendsen, J., Jørgensen, J.B., 2024. Mathematical Meal Models for Simulation of Human Metabolism. arXiv: 2307.16444. In submission.

Bisgaard, A.S., Møller, J.K., Madsen, H., Ritschel, T.K.S., 2024. Forecasting Bounded and Inflated Time Series using Hidden Markov Models: With Application to Icing on Wind Turbine Blades. In submission.

Tohidi, S.S., Ritschel, T.K.S., Tsaousoglou, G., Thygesen, U.H., Madsen, H., 2024. Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Stochastic Flexibility Function in Smart Energy Systems. arXiv: 2405.15099. In preparation.

2025 (1)

Tohidi, S.S., Madsen, H., Cali, D., Ritschel, T.K.S., 2024. Optimal Price Signal Generation for Demand-side Energy Management. Smart Energy 17, pp. 100173. DOI: 10.1016/j.segy.2025.100173.

2024 (4)

Miličić, T., Muthunayakage, K., Hoàng Vu, T., Ritschel, T.K.S., Živković, L., Vidakovic-Koch, T., 2024. The Nonlinear Frequency Response Method for the Diagnosis of the PEM Water Electrolyzer. Chemical Engineering Journal, pp. 153889. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.153889.

Laugesen, C., Ritschel, T.K.S., Ranjan, A.G., Hsu, L., Jørgensen, J.B., Svensson, J., Ekhlaspour, L., Buckingham, B., Nørgaard, K., 2024. Impact of Missed and Late Meal Boluses on Glycemic Outcomes in Automated Insulin Delivery-treated Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: A Two-center, Population-based, Cohort Study. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1089/dia.2024.0022.

Mielke, A., Benzon, H.-H., McGugan, M., Chen, X., Madsen, H., Branner, K., Ritschel, T.K.S., 2024. Analysis of Damage Localization based on Acoustic Emission Data from Test of Wind Turbine Blades. Measurement 231, pp. 114661. DOI; 10.1016/j.measurement.2024.114661.

Benzon, H.-H., Mielke, A., Ritschel, T.K.S., McGugan, M., Branner, K., Chen, X., 2024. Acoustic Emission Data Analytics on Delamination Growth in a Wind Turbine Blade under Full-scale Cyclic Testing. Measurement 242, pp. 115822. DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2024.115822.

2023 (4)

Rosbo, J.W., Ritschel, T.K.S., Hørsholt, S., Huusom, J.K., Jørgensen, J.B., 2023. Flexible Operation, Optimisation and Stabilising Control of a Quench Cooled Ammonia Reactor for Power-to-ammonia. Computers and Chemical Engineering 176, pp. 108316. DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2023.108316.

Živković, L.A., Kandaswamy, S., Sivasankaran, M., Al-Shaibani, M.A.S., Ritschel, T.K.S., Vidaković-Koch, T., 2023. Nonlinear Frequency Response Analysis of Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Silver in Strong Alkaline Media. Electrochimica Acta 451, pp. 142175. DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2023.142175.

Lindkvist, E.B., Laugesen, C., Ritschel, T.K.S., Reenberg, A.T., Svensson, J., Jørgensen, J.B., Nørgaard, K., Ranjan, A.G., 2023. Performance of a Dual-hormone Closed-loop System versus Insulin-only Closed-loop System in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes. A Single-blind, Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Trial. Frontiers in Endocrinology 14, pp. 1073388. DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2023.1073388.

Furió-Novejarque, C., Sanz, R., Ritschel, T.K.S., Reenberg, A.T., Ranjan, A.G., Nørgaard, K., Díez, J.-L., Jørgensen, J.B., Bondia, J., 2023. Modeling the Effect of Glucagon on Endogenous Glucose Production in Type 1 Diabetes: On the Role of Glucagon Receptor Dynamics. Computers in Biology and Medicine 154, pp. 106605. DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2023.106605.

2022 (1)

Grundel, S., Heyder, S., Hotz, T., Ritschel, T.K.S., Sauerteig, P., Worthmann, K., 2022. How Much Testing and Social Distancing is Required to Control COVID-19? Some Insight based on an Age-differentiated Compartmental Model. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 60(2), pp. S145–S169. arXiv: 2011.01282. DOI: 10.1137/20M1377783.

2021 (1)

Grundel, S., Heyder, S., Hotz, T., Ritschel, T.K.S., Sauerteig, P., Worthmann, K., 2021. How to Coordinate Vaccination and Social Distancing to Mitigate SARS-CoV-2 Outbreaks. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 20(2), pp. 1135–1157. arXiv: 2104.05526. DOI: 10.1137/20M1387687.

2020 (1)

Ritschel, T.K.S., Weiß, F., Baumann, M., Grundel, S., 2020. Nonlinear Model Reduction of Dynamical Power Grid Models using Quadratization and Balanced Truncation. at - Automatisierungstechnik 68(12), pp. 1022–1034. arXiv: 2005.12658. DOI: 10.1515/auto-2020-0070.

2019 (1)

Ritschel, T.K.S., Jørgensen, J.B., 2019. Dynamic Optimization of Thermodynamically Rigorous Models of Multiphase Flow in Porous Subsurface Oil Reservoirs. Journal of Process Control 78, pp. 45–56. arXiv: 1807.09035. DOI: 10.1016/j.jprocont.2019.03.014.

2018 (1)

Ritschel, T.K.S., Capolei, A., Gaspar, J., Jørgensen, J.B., 2018. An Algorithm for Gradient-based Dynamic Optimization of UV Flash Processes. Computers and Chemical Engineering 114, pp. 281–295. DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2017.10.007.